Industry Engagement
Our programstrongly believes in the synthesis of education and industry trends and needs.
Our faculty members bring a strong intersection between theory and practice into the network engineering program. The program’s success story is based on a tight coupling of education with hands-on design experience through its lab facilities and close partnerships with industry. Major companies comment on the relevance of our educational offering and the importance of this type of applied education.

"The master's program in network engineering at CU Boulder is ideal for both traditional network engineers seeking software skills as well as for software developers wanting to understand the next-generation of computer networking. With the networking industry's landscape constantly evolving, this program perfectly prepares the candidate to graduate with the latest and greatest skills most sought after in the market. The technologies taught in this program - both via theory and hands-on labs, including network automation, software-defined networking, and network virtualization and orchestration, enable graduates to start making an impact from day one.” - Senior Software Architect, Rahil Gandotra, PhD atCableLabs

Cisco Systems

Drizly and Uber

Network Engineering Hackathons at CU
Students enrolled in the Network Engineering program participate in industry-sponsored hackathons at CU Boulder each year.
The hackathons focus on developing creativesolutions for network configuration, management, and operations and provide the student teams with an opportunity to hone their software development skills and address ways to more effectively manage large-scale networks.
The Network Engineering industry values the practical education offered in this degree and this is demonstrated by the multiple corporate donations our lab has received over the last few years with the objective of maintaining our industry relevance and to continue to foster hands-on education, expertise, and critical thinking.
Some of the Network Engineering program’s recent hardware and software donors include the following companies:
- Arista Networks
- Charter/Spectrum
- Equinix
- Facebook/Meta
- Juniper Networks
- Netflix
- Yahoo!
- Ubiquiti Networks