School of Education Budget Sustainability Action Plans

Beginning in September 2024, five implementation subcommittees have formed to examine and implement the recommendations from the budget sustainability committee report. The nine recommendation areas from the report were combined into five bins, with a member of the leadership team and a budget committee member informing each subcommittee.

This web page is designed to provide an evolving status report for what goals and action items each subcommittee is investigating and working toward implementing.

Status Key


In progress


Last updated: February 19, 2025

Campus-funded Programs

Financial sustainability beyond FY'27

While understanding that the School of Education is not in a fiscal position to provide additional financial support for programs currently externally funded, each program can collaboratively build financial sustainability plans that move beyond fiscal year 2027. Work includes conversations with provost office with a focus on MATL, CU Engage, and LA Program.


in progress

Integration within the School of Education

Explore ways to better integrate with the School of Education, in terms of both School of Education operations and programs, and/or the campus-serving programs and partners.


in progress

Strengthen overarching scholarly expertise

Consider and strengthen the overlap between programs and the overarching scholarly expertise and goals of the School of Education.



Graduate Education

Goal 1: Offer competitive funding packages to recruit and retain outstanding doctoral students

CU Boulder School of Education offers all admitted PhD students a five-year funding package that provides tuition remission, a fellowship stipend, and assistantship salary which covers the standard cost of attendance. The funding is based on meeting the basic financial need of the student for the first five academic years of the doctoral program and entails assistantship work. Funding is contingent upon satisfactory academic progress and performance on the research and teaching assistantships.

To inform goal 1, the committee will audit PhD funding offers of AAU and CU Boulder peers and compare with our funding package to consider parity, unique aspects of our funding offer, and opportunities for strengthening.


in progress

Goal 2: Carefully offer PhD admissions in relation to projected assistantship options

To inform goal 2, the committee will propose recommendations for (a) creating and maintaining infrastructure for planning, coordinating, and sharing PhD assistantship opportunities, (b) establishing guidelines for assistantship appointments considering equitable and relevant student experiences, funding capacity, and 5-year timeline, and (c)establishing guidelines for assistantship appointments beyond year five.


in progress

Goal 3: Implement practices that provide equitable PhD student experiences and support degree completion in 5 years or sooner

To inform goal 3, the committee will (a) audit PhD credit requirements of AAU peers and peer CU Boulder PhD programs, (b) consider content credit requirements in relation to 5-year completion timeline, and (c) make recommendations re: dissertation credit distribution, course load according to semester/stage in program, etc. to guide advising.


in progress

Goal 4: Build and support MA programs with sustainable funding sources and build MA enrollment

This phase 2 work is set to begin in the fall 2025.



Leadership Structure & Support

Goal 1: Evaluate teaching loads and course variation​

Create systemic, transparent, and equitable processes around differential teaching activities, including course releases and types.

Recognition for workload of field-based courses​, course enrollment size​, course credits, and components​. Incentivize new modalities, sizes and course configurations​. Standardize number of course enrollment needed for TA support.


in progress

Goal 1: Evaluate teaching loads and course variation​

Centrally coordinate courses.

Coordinate courses, including for new larger undergraduate courses, within and across program areas to create a regular course rotation that balances the need to teach core courses while honoring instructor’s identity.


in progress

Goal 1: Evaluate teaching loads and course variation​

Examine teaching loads and course variation.

Explore creative ways to recognize indirect teaching and advising in faculty workloads; change base teaching load for tenure-track faculty; and service credit system. Review categories of service and ways to distinguish service, e.g. the nature of 20% service varies widely.


in progress

Goal 2: Review leadership and administrative roles

Reviewing leadership and admin roles​. Standardization of Associate Dean positions and graduate program chairs​. Support for teacher education structure. Tracking service​.


in progress

Goal 3: Study organizational structures and budget practices

Continuing to partner with C-Shift​. Dividing HR and finance​ structure. Reviewing other support structures​. Moving items to continuing budget​ for budget stabilization​. Working on MOUs and funding agreements.


in progress

Goal 4: Advocacy for School of Education

Work continues to advocate for the School of Education with its essential contributions to the university mission and community impact and unique needs.


in progress


Goal 1: Develop a policy and implementation plan for DAICR sharing

Presently, all of the Departmental Allocation of Indirect Cost Recovery (DAICR) from externally funded sponsored projects is utilized by the school to support research-related operations, and this will be made transparent. The subcommittee will propose a policy and implementation plan, based on a budget impact analysis and policies in other units within CU and at other universities, to share a portion of DAICR with investigators and possibly Centers.


in progress

Goal 2: Develop an internal policy on course buyouts

Course buyouts refer to reductions in faculty teaching load that are funded by sponsored projects. The school’s practices on course buyouts have not previously been formulated into a policy, and one will be developed and proposed, based on a budget impact analysis and policies in other units within CU and at other universities. The committee will also take into account the issue of mismatch between the current buyout rate and merit formulas.


in progress

Goal 3: Review and seek to improve infrastructure to support research

The subcommittee will prepare and administer a survey to the community on what supports for seeking and managing research people currently use and want to continue, what different supports people suggest, problems or “chokepoints,” and opportunities.


in progress

Goal 4: Refine systems related to research faculty roles

Clarify appointment, annual review, and reappointment policies and procedures for research faculty in the School of Education. Annual review changes being instituted in 2025. Iterative refinement to be based on input from stakeholders


in progress

Undergraduate & Teacher Education

Phase 1 (Fall 2024): Teacher Education Leadership and Infrastructure

Goal 1: Establish an Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Teacher Education

As the budget committee’s report indicated, creating centralized leadership for undergraduate and teacher education programs was a need in the school. A new associate dean position was crafted, posted, and filled simultaneous to the launch and initial meetings of the budget implementation committees.



Phase 1: Teacher Education Leadership and Infrastructure

Goal 2: Pursue a new leadership structure for the Elementary Education Major

As the largest undergraduate program, the Elementary Education major leadership needs extend beyond the part-time faculty chair roles that have been in place since the program’s inception. The subcommittee investigated current needs and has proposed a new leadership approach.


in progress

Phase 1: Teacher Education Leadership and Infrastructure

Goal 3: Ensure parity around chair compensation for the secondary teacher education programs

Ensure parity of compensation and position descriptions for parallel leadership roles. Secondary teacher education programs are different in structure of leadership and numbers of students; the subcommittee proposed a compensation structure that is equivalent in relation to program chair workload and provides a consistent structure for faculty leadership positions over time.


in progress

Phase 1: Teacher Education Leadership and Infrastructure

Goal 4: Shift the Director of Field Experiences position from faculty to staff

The Director of Field Experiences is a full-time position, with no formal teaching assigned as part of the role. Thus, the committee is proposing shifting this position from faculty to staff designation at the Senior Director level.


in progress

Phase 1: Teacher Education Leadership and Infrastructure

Goal 5: Invest in Software

Software is needed to comprehensively manage the databases for the professional licensure components of our programs, which will increase efficiency and effectiveness. The committee is investigating and proposing software to pursue.


in progress

Phase 2: Undergraduate Programs (started Spring 2025)

Goal 1: Consider strategic growth in non-teacher education programs

Considering pathways to strategic growth in non-teacher education undergraduate programs, such as the Education Minor, the Education Studies, and the Leadership and Community Engagement Major.


in progress

Phase 2: Undergraduate Programs

Goal 2: Coordinate and collaborate on recruiting and welcoming events

Establishing strategic coordination and collaboration for recruiting and welcoming events for Undergraduate and Teacher Education students.


in progress

Phase 2: Undergraduate Programs

Goal 3: Analyze costs and course enrollments

Analyze costs and revenue impacts for course enrollments, for example use a COI calculator to be shared with chairs to support course offerings conversations.


in progress

Phase 2: Undergraduate Programs

Goal 4: Determine capacity across education faculty

Determine capacity across faculty rostered in the School of Education to ensure infrastructure to support any decisions about undergraduate programs.


in progress