Faculty Awards and Excellence
The College of Engineering and Applied Science accepts nominations for the following awards to recognize outstanding tenure-track, instructional and research facultyin the college.
Faculty Awards
Nominations by Students
- Outstanding Advisor Awardrecognizes a faculty and/or staff advisor who demonstrates exceptional advising skills and who serves as a role model to other advisors.
- John & Mercedes Peebles Innovation in Education Awardrecognizes a faculty member who has shown a unique commitment to students demonstrated through innovations in education.
- Sullivan-Carlson Innovation in Teaching Awardrecognizes an instructor who demonstrates initiative and innovation in developing and using hands-on curriculum.
Nominations by Department Chairsor Program Directors
Nomination materials for the Hutchison, Peters, Research and Textbook awards are accepted by the associate dean for faculty advancement annually in November. Faculty Incentive Awards are presented on a rolling basis.
- Charles A. Hutchinson Memorial Teaching Awardrecognizes a faculty member who has shown consistent dedication to teaching, education, and students.
- Max S. Peters Faculty Service Awardrecognizes a faculty member for outstanding service to the profession of engineering, the college, the university, and/or the citizens of the state of Colorado.
- College of Engineering Faculty Research Awardrecognizes a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge through research activities.
- Textbook Recognition Award recognizes the achievements of faculty who author or co-author a significant educational textbook.
- Faculty / Research Faculty Incentive Awards recognizeoutstanding accomplishment or contributions to the college by tenure/tenure-track, research or instructional faculty, such as innovative ideas, creativity and exemplary performance while undertaking special projects or tasks.
Faculty Excellence Program
Dean’s Faculty Fellowships
The college offers Dean’s Faculty Fellowships to provide selected faculty members with one semester off from teaching a course,to focus on a major initiative in research and scholarly work or development of substantial educational materials or initiatives. This semester may not be combined with or taken within one year of a sabbatical. The faculty member is expected to continue service, student advising and research responsibilities during the fellowship period and to remain primarily in residence at CU Boulder. Applications are dueto the College of Engineering and Applied Science on by 5:00PM MT on February 20, 2025 for either semester of the 2025-2026 academic year.
Submit a single PDF to Amy Javernick-Will, Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement,containing both (a) a one-page description that includes the proposed activity, including the purpose and anticipated benefits of thefellowship, which should note, as applicable, the expected benefits/positive impact to students, the department/program, and CEAS; and (b) a one-page endorsement from your department chair or program director confirming that your course release can be accommodated.
The dean’s office will provide $10,000 to the fellow’s home department or program for teaching relief. A maximum of four fellowships will be awarded each year. Earning afaculty fellowship does not lead to a change in the individual's annual merit evaluation formula.
Dean’s Seed Fund for Novel Ideas
The college has set aside discretionary funds to provide seed support for new ideas. Faculty may submit a proposal at any time. It should include a one-page description of the idea and its anticipated benefits, including a brief budget. The amount requested from the dean’s office should be matched 1:1 from the department or program, and the total should not exceed $10,000 ($15,000, if two units are involved). Note that a supporting letter from the chair or director is not required; instead, the dean’s office will send the chair or director an email to confirm the match for each selected proposal that requires matching funds.
Application materials for a Dean’s Faculty Fellowship orDean’s Seed Fundshould be submitted to Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement Amy Javernick-Will.
New Venture Challenge Program
Since its inception in 2009, the New Venture Challenge (NVC) program and competitions—run out of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative—have been known as CU Boulder’s entrepreneurial “flight simulator.” NVC gives aspiring entrepreneurs a chance to build a startup through entrepreneurial events and programming, community support, mentorship and—ultimately—funding. Participants represent majors and departments from across the university. From undergraduates to graduates, PhD candidates to postdocs, and faculty to staff, everyone is invited to pitch their idea.
Faculty Promotion and Tenure Achievement Award
The Faculty Promotion and Tenure Achievement Award recognizes tenured/tenure-track faculty in the College of Engineering and Applied Science for earning a promotion and/or tenure. It recognizes faculty members’ contributions in teaching, researchand service leading to their promotion to associate professor with tenure or to full professor. A faculty member will earn this award upon final campus-level or Board of Regents approval (as required). The award is presented in the form of a bronze buffalo statue with an engraved glass plaque.
Faculty Incentive Awards
The Faculty Incentive Award recognizes tenure/tenure-track, instructionalorresearch faculty employees’ special accomplishments or contributions to the college, such as innovate ideas, creativity and exemplary performance while undertaking special projects or tasks.The form of the award is a cash award that would generally not exceed $100 in value, though occasionally awards up to $500 in value may be made for particularly substantial service. Funding is provided by the nominating unit.Nominations for the award would be made by department chairs, program directors or other college leaders via a short email to the dean, associate dean for research, and senior director of engineering human resources for review. The nomination should include a statement that describes the accomplishment or contribution and the award amount that is requested.