Capstone Senior Design Course
C/EVEN 5/4434 is thecapstone design course for EVEN seniors. Students choose a single project from an array of options spanning environmental engineering: water, energy, developing communities, applied ecology, hazardous waste and air quality. Project teams then execute a semester-long project in three phases:
- Project proposal
- Alternatives assessment
- Preliminary design
Each project is an authentic, current issue with a client, technical advisor and industry mentor. Each phase of the project culminates in a written deliverable and oral presentation. Many projects are associated with national competitions.
There are three major course outcomes:
- Work as a team to solve a large, authentic engineering problem using all your skills.
- Design a complete system after having evaluated alternatives on a standardized triple bottom line basis.
- Communicate your design in written reports and oral presentations.
Process From Start to Finish
- Projects are presented to class. Students vote which project they would most like to work on and are assigned to projects and teams.
- Teams create written proposals for their project and present on their proposals.
- Teams complete exhaustive alternatives assessments and present on their findings. Teams defend which alternative is the best fit to meet the project goal.
- Teams create preliminary designs to meet the project goal and present and report on finished products.
Example Projects
- Designing a Sustainable Water System for Remote Communities
- Investigation Water Savings Opportunities for Cooling Towers via Replacement, Recovery and Treatment
- Designing a Sustainable Microgrid for Mulit-family Affordable Housing
- Chlorinated Solvent Remediation
- FAA Design Competition for Universities: Control of Deicing Chemicals at Denver International Airport
- WEF Student Design Competition: Biosolids: Digestion, Dewatering, and Handling Evaluation and Design for Parker, CO
- 20-year Masterplan for Denver Water's 280 MGD Foothills Plant
- Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project: Cutter Lateral Water Treatment Plant
Capstone Design Team National and Regional Award Winners
- Third Place, Student Design Competition, Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference (National Award)
- First Place, RMWEA Student Design Competition; (Regional Award)
- Honorable Mention, NREL HeroX Solar Distric Cup; "Solar for Seattle" (Global Award)
- First Place, RMWEA Student Design Competition; "Phosphorous Removal at Copper Mountain” (Regional Award)
- Second Place, 10th annual Collegiate Wind Competition (National Award)
- Judges’ Choice Award, Waste Management Education Research Conference (WERC) Environmental Design Contest; “Monitoring Virus Removal by Membrane Bioreactors during Water Reuse"(National Award)
- First Place, RMWEA Student Design Competition; "Proposed Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades for the Parker Water & Sanitation District"(National Award)
- Second Place, Waste Management Education Research Conference (WERC) Environmental Design Contest; TeamBEHTT Insight - "PFAS Destruction" (National Award)
- First Place, Solar District Cup competition.
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition, Chicago, IL; "City of Gunnison Wastewater Treatment Plant Renovations for Future Regulatory Compliance” (National award)
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Regional Student Design Competition, Denver, CO; "City of Gunnison Wastewater Treatment Plant Renovations for Future Regulatory Compliance”(Regional award)
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition, New Orleans, LA; Team Curatio Engineering - ”Enhancing Nutrient Removal at Boulder’s 75th St. Wastewater Treatment Facility.”(Regional and National awards)
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition Competition, Chicago, IL;”Biolsolids Digestion, Dewatering, and Handling Alternatives Assessment.” (Regional and National awards)
- First Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; Team IIB Consulting - “Control of Deicing Chemicals at Airports Using Subterranean Aerated Gravel Beds." (National award)
- First Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; Team S3 - “Mycoremediation Applications for Stormwater Management.” (National award)
- Third Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition; Team GBL Engineering - “Northern Wastewater Reclamation Facility Expansion for Parker Water and Sanitation District." (First Place Regional and Third Place National)
- First & Second Place, RMSWEA Student Design Competition; Team GBL Engineering, Team HNS - “Northern Wastewater Reclamation Facility Expansion for Parker Water and Sanitation District"two teams - (Regional awards)
- Second Place, RMSWEF Student Design Competition; “Frisco Sanitation District Senior Design Project” (Regional award)
- Third Place, RMSWEF Student Design Competition; “Boulder 75th Street Wastewater Treatment Facility Phosphorus Removal and Recovery” (Regional award)
- First Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Twice Repurposed Crumb Rubber as a Jet Fuel Solidifier.” (National award)
- Third Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Fuel Containment Channels at Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE).” (National award)
- Second Place, RMSWEF Student Design Competition; “Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility: A Boulder Approach to Advanced Phosphorus Removal” (Regional award)
- Second Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Fuel Spill Containment at Bozeman International Airport and LED Runway and Taxiway Lighting Powered with On-Site Solar Panels” two teams - (National Award)
- Third Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition; “Arsenic Removal Project for 75th Street Wastewater Treatment Facility at Boulder, Colorado; CU Team CVC.”(First place regional and third place national)
- Second Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition; “Arsenic Removal Project for 75th Street Wastewater Treatment Facility at Boulder, Colorado; CU Team Berber Water.”(Regional award)
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition; “Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Plant for Broadmoor Park community. 0.06 MGD.”(First place regional and national)
- First Place, AECOM Student Design Competition; “Upgrade wastewater treatment plant to achieve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.” (North American award)
- Semi-Finalists, AECOM Student Design Competition; “Treat drinking water to remove naturally occurring radionuclides.” (North American award)
- Second Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Design energy-efficiency changes for non-terminal areas at Denver International Airport.”(National award)
- Third Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Design improved treatment of aircraft deicing waste for Denver International Airport.”(National award)
- Third Place, FAA Airport Cooperative Research Program Competition Environmental Interactions at Airports; “Design improved stormwater system for Anchorage International Airport.”(National award)
- First Place, AECOM Student Design Competition; “Design a 10 MGD upgrade for drinking water treatment facility that requires softening.” (North American award)
- Semi-Finalist, AECOM Student Design Competition; “Design an upgrade for a 10 MGD surface water treatment facility to remove pesticides.” (North American award)
- First Place, Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition; “Design upgrade to the Denver Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant including nutrient removal.”(First place Regional and national)
Example Companies
National Organizations


Utilities/Local Governments