Faculty News
- Ten faculty in CEAE, including EVEN Prof. Sherri Cook, Amy Javernick-Will and Joseph Kasprzyk, led by Associate Professor Abbie Liel, have been awarded a GAANN grant from the Department of Education to fund eight graduate students for PhDs. The project aims to increase the number of graduate students and, eventually, researchers and teachers, who have the multidisciplinary skills to address (i) the country’s deteriorating infrastructure and (ii) the need for upgraded and new transport, water/sanitation, building, and power infrastructure.
- EVEN Professor Rajagopalan Balaji was a co-organizer of the event and his plenary lecture was on “The Once and Future Variability of the Indian Monsoon”, a weather phenomenon relied on by billions.
- Broad energy and environment study led by CU Boulder ends with significant findingsPublished: Oct. 10, 2018 • By Josh Rhoten"A massive research and education effort on energy and environmental issues led by CU Boulder engineering
- On Oct. 5th 2018, Fernando Rosario-Ortiz had the opportunity to meet with the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Roselló. Roselló was visiting CU Boulder as part of a presentation to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
- “Wildfires have been burning more intensely and more often. Downstream communities and utilities need to start planning for worst-case scenarios… This is an emerging challenge that is not going to go away.”
- Professor Lupita Montoya (left) and Aaron Lamplugh, PhD candidate (right).The Nature, Environment, Science and Technology (NEST) Studio for the Arts awarded graduate student fellowships to nine pairs of artists and scientists who worked on
- Keshavarzmohammadian, A.; Cook, S.M.; Milford, J.B. Cradle-to-gate Environmental Impacts of Sulfur-based Solid-state Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications. Journal of Cleaner Production (2018), DOI: 0.1016/j.jclepro.2018
- Two new faculty have joined our EVEN community! Welcome Dr. Julie Korak and Dr. Evan Thomas.Dr. Julie Korak joined the Environmental Engineering Program at the in August 2018 and is rostered in the Department of Civil