Professional Activities

Professional Affiliations and Services

• Chair, Advisory Committee on Scientists and Engineers in Exile for Development,
  US National  Academies (2022-)
• Member, US National Academies Roundtable on Science & Technology for Sustainability (2019-2023)
• Member, US National Academy of Engineering, New Voices Advisory Committee (2018-)
• Member (and co-chair) of PeaceTech Laboratory Board (2014-2023)
• Founding President of Engineers Without Borders - USA (2001-)
• Co-Founder of Engineers Without Borders –International Network (2002-)
• Founding Director, Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities (2009-)
• Member, NAE/USIP Roundtable on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding (2011-2016)
• Member, US National Academy of Eng. Bueche & Ramos Founders Award Committee (2016-2020)
• Executive Director of Engineers Without Borders –International (2007-2011)
• Member, NRC Committee on Grand Challenges in International Development (2011-2013)
• Member, NRC Committee on Increasing National Resilience to Hazards and Disasters (2010-2012)
• Member, Capacity Building Committee, World Federation of Eng. Organizations (2005-2011)
• Member, NRC Committee on Creation of Science-Based Industries in Africa (2005-2007)
• Member, ASCE International Activities Committee (2003-2006)
• Member, Advisory Committee, Office of International Science and Engineering, NSF (2004-2006)
• Member, NRC Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering in the New Millennium, Board
  Earth Sciences and Resources (2004-2006)
• President and co-founder, American Rock Mechanics Association (2000-2002)
• Chairman, ASCE Committee on Rock Mechanics, Geotechnical Division (1990-1994)
• Member, US Natl. Committee for Rock Mechanics, National Research Council (1990-1994)

Professional Associations/Society Membership

• Member, US National Academy of Engineering (2008-present)
• Member, National Academy of Construction (2013-present)
• Dist. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (1982-present)
• Member, International Society for Rock Mechanics (1984-present)
• Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2006-present)
• Member, American Rock Mechanics Association (2000-2020)
• Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2011-present)
• Member, American Society of Engineering Education (2010-present)
• Member, Professionals in Human Assistance and Protection (2020-present)