Curriculum Vitae

Last Updated: January 2024;

Kenneth Mark Anderson

Department of Computer Science


  • Ph.D., Information & Computer Science(1997)
    University of California, Irvine
    Advisor: Professor Richard N. Taylor
  • M.S., Information & Computer Science(1992)
    University of California, Irvine
  • B.S., Information & Computer Science(1990)
    University of California, Irvine

Professional Experience

Summer 2024—PresentPalmer Chair, College of Engineering and Applied Science
Summer 2019—PresentChair, Department of Computer Science
Spring 2016—PresentProfessor, Department of Computer Science
Spring 2015—PresentCourtesy Faculty, Department of Information Science
Fall 2013—Spring 2021Co-Director, Center for Software and Society
Spring 2016—Fall 2019Associate Dean for Education
College of Engineering & Applied Science
Spring 2010—Spring 2016Faculty Fellow
Alliance for Technology, Learning & Society (ATLAS)
Fall 2005–Spring 2016Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Spring 2010–Spring 2013Associate Chair, Department of Computer Science
Summer 2005–Summer 2006Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of Århus, Århus, Denmark
Summer 1998–Summer 2005Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

Research Interests

Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Crisis Informatics, Hypermedia, Web Engineering, Web Application Infrastructure, Software Process, Scientific Workflow & Data Management

Administrative Duties & Strategic Activities

  • Department Chair (Summer 2019—Present):As Chair, Prof. Anderson provides vision and leadership for the Department of Computer Science as well as coordination and support for department operations. He leads the Department's work on Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) via multiple activities including the development of the department's diversity and inclusion statement, the creation of an NSF BPC (Broadening Participation in Computing) plan for the department, creating an Associate Chair for Inclusive Excellence position, supporting the creation of the department’s DEI committee, and reviewing, updating, and influencing department practices and culture. He created training for instructors and TAs for improving classroom culture. He oversaw the integration of the Technology, Cybersecurity, and Policy program into the department in Summer and Fall 2020 and led the process for allowing the department to offer a new Professional Masters program in Network Engineering and ten new Bachelor’s Accelerated Master’s programs for Fall 2021. He successfully recruited 16 new faculty members to the department in Spring 2022 including six new tenure-track faculty members and ten new teaching professors and/or scholars in residence. Eleven of these faculty joined in Fall 2023 and the remaining five are joining the department in the next few years. In 2023, he led the effort to get the department’s BS in CS degree reaccredited by ABET; this effort was successful and will result in the degree being accredited until Fall 2030. In AY 2022-2023 and AY 2023-2024, he led and assisted with processes that led to the creation of new criteria for tenure-track reappointment, promotion, and tenure cases; a new rubric for evaluating teaching; a new ICR return policy for the department; and a new strategic plan for the department.
  • Member of CU’s Faculty Salary Procedures Working Group (Spring 2022-Fall 2023): Provided feedback on and participated in discussions related to annual merit reviews and the annual merit raise process. Contributed to the draft of the committee's report/recommendations and presented the results of the committees work to the CEAS Admin Council in Fall 2023.
  • Member of CU's Google Storage Steering Committee (Spring 2022—Fall 2023): Participated in the campus response to the significant change imposed by Google by ending its support for unlimited free storage for higher education. As a member of the steering committee, I worked to understand use cases, set policy, and provide guidance to the technical project team assembled to help CU Boulder through this transition.
  • Member of CEAS Online Executive Committee (Fall 2021—Fall 2023): Participated in the college's executive committee for online education, helping to shape the direction and approach that CEAS is taking in expanding its online degreeprograms.
  • Work Stream Lead for the Retention Work Stream of CU’s Financial Futures Strategic Initiative (December 2018—Summer 2022):As the work stream lead for the retention work stream of CU Boulder’s Financial Futures Strategic Initiative, Prof. Anderson provided vision, leadership, and oversight of the activities of the work stream including the development of project ideas, the evaluation of projects, and the recommendation of projects for funding. Prof. Anderson initially managed the work stream in collaboration with the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs to support a broad array of projects with the goal of boosting retention and student success and now works with staff in Financial Futures, Student Affairs, and the Office of Undergraduate Education to do the same. Funded projects included expanded funding for CU’s Writing Center; increased support for academic advising, including new front-line advising positions as well as administrative support for advising; increased support for health and wellness staff across the campus including embedded councilors for schools and colleges; new funds for bringing predictive analytics software to CU Boulder and integrating it into CU’s standard work practice; as well as a few additional, smaller and more focused student success projects across campus.
  • Member of CEAS Dean’s Search Committee (Fall 2019—Spring 2021): Participated on the search committee for a new Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
  • Member of CU Boulder’s Graduate School’s Strategic Planning Committee (Fall 2019—Fall 2021): Contributed to the development of a new strategic vision and strategic plan for CU’s Graduate School.
  • Associate Dean for Education (January 2016—Fall 2019):As the Associate Dean for Education, Prof. Anderson provides vision and leadership for placing CU Boulder’s College of Engineering & Applied Science at the forefront of engineering education, including curriculum modernization, undergraduate student programs, enhanced-student success initiatives, and program assessment. During his tenure as Associate Dean, he and his team were responsible for the creation of the CEAS internship for credit program, the engineering math pilot, new options for H&SS courses for CEAS students, new pathways for transfer students, improvements to the CEAS pre-engineering program, a new model for undergraduate advising in the college, the reaccreditation of all CEAS accredited degree programs and initial accreditation for engineering plus, a rebooted orientation experience—known as Engineering Launch—that is showing success in student retention and belonging, a new scholarship program, a campus-wide grade replacement policy, more flexible sessions for classes within a term, new academic standing policies, a new Change Your Major policy, and an early alert process that started in CEAS and has since spread to include many other units on campus. He led the most recent ABET accreditation process (along with the college’s Director of Analytics, Assessment and Accreditation) for the entire college that led up to the Fall 2017 ABET site visit and culminated in all ABET-accredited programs receiving a “next general review” result (the best possible result) and one new program receiving full accreditation for the first time. This was the first time that in the college’s history that such a result was achieved and all accredited programs now have accreditation until Summer 2024. Prof. Andersonalso managed the the academic review process related to the creation of three Biomedical Engineering degrees (BS, MS, and PhD) ensuring that these programs passed review at college, campus, and system levels and presented these degrees to the Regent's University Affairs committee for approval before they were finally approved by the Regents in the Summer of 2019.
  • Leader of the Colorado Affiliate of the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award (Fall 2010—Spring 2018):Organized the Colorado Affiliate of the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award and hostedthe awards ceremony for this award at CU Boulder each Spring. This award recognizes the computing achievements of female high school students across Colorado and encourages these students to major in computing in college and pursue computing as a career. Hosted this award nine times and recognized over 450 young women (~275 winners; ~127 runners up) in that time. Worked with local tech companies to underwrite the costs of the awards event (and purchase prizes for the winners) bringing in nearly 95K in support of this important program since Fall 2010.
  • Associate Chair (January 2010—June 2013):Directly supervised department staff. Assisted Chair with strategic activities and management. Member of Executive Committee. Director, Undergraduate Studies.
  • Computer Science B.A. Degree Proposal, Review, and Implementation (Summer 2010—June 2013):Successfully led an effort to grow the Department’s undergraduate program by creating a new B.A. degree in Computer Science for Fall 2013. The proposal received strong positive support from campus administration and was formally approved by the College of Engineering and Applied Science in Fall 2010; it was approved by the College of Arts and Sciences in May 2012 and was approved by the in November 2012. Participated in the work to implement the degree program during the Spring 2013 semester. This degree program is incredibly popular. Its first class in Fall 2013 opened with ~240 students; this number grew to ~450 students in Fall 2014 and ~600 students in Fall 2015 and ultimately hit its high point with 1100 students in Fall 2019.
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies (Fall 2008—Spring 2013):Chair of Undergraduate Committee.
  • Co-Chair of ABET Accreditation Effort (Fall 2008—Fall 2009):Led a comprehensive curriculum review of the undergraduate program, made adjustments to undergraduate policy, and contributed to the creation of the Department's ABET self-study report submitted in May 2009. Led process to create display materials (course profiles, course dossiers, coverage of program outcomes and objectives, assessment workflows, etc.) for the ABET site visit in September 2009.The Department received full accreditation in August 2010, backdated to October 2008, valid until September 2016.
  • Lead NCWIT (National Center for Women & IT) Pacesetters effort at CU Boulder (Fall 2009—Fall 2012):Founded CU Boulder's NCWIT Pacesetters team in order to join the first cohort of NCWIT Pacesetters in Fall 2009. Pacesetters is an effort to accelerate organizational change that leads to increased recruiting and retention of women in information technology programs such as computer science and ATLAS's Technology Arts & Media certificate. Pacesetter activities include increasing the integration of the computer science and ATLAS curricula, participating in the redesign of CS intro courses, and the creation of the B.A. in CS degree proposal.At the time, these efforts doubled the number of women enrolled in our BS degree program from 8% of majors in 2007 to 16% of majors in 2011.
  • Chair of CS Diversity Task Force (Fall 2006—Fall 2008):Founding Chair of the Department's Diversity Task Force. Led creation of high-quality recruiting materials for the B.S. degree program. Promoted the adoption of NCWIT best practices in undergraduate courses.


$13.5M in research funds from NSF, DARPA, and other grants as either PI ($3.71M) or Co-PI ($9.8M).

  1. LSAMP BD: CU Boulder CO-WY AMP. CU PI: Sonia DeLuca Fernández; CU Boulder PIs: Robert Davis, Noah Finkelstein, Kenneth M. Anderson and Ernest Chavez. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $1.07M total grant. Duration: 08/01/2022-07/31/2024.
  2. Improving Risk Communication and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Dynamic Tornado Threats in the Southeastern U.S.NCAR PI: Julie Demuth; CU Boulder PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: NOAA. Amount: $15K of $150K total grant. Duration: 10/2016-09/2018.
  3. CHS: Medium: Hyperlocal and Hypertemporal Information in Mass Emergencies Events: Next Generation Crisis Informatics Data Collection & Analytics.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson; Co-PI: Leysia Palen, Jordan Boyd-Graber. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $1.2M. Duration: 09/2016-05/2022.
  4. The Future of Geospatial Data: The Analytics and Implications of Open Source Mapping.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson; Co-PI: Leysia Palen. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $499,367. Duration: 09/2015-08/2020.
  5. Mining and Understanding Bug Fixes to Address Application-Framework Protocol Defects.PI: Evan Chang; Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson, Pavol Cerney, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Tom Yeh. Funding Agency: DARPA. Amount: $1.6M. Duration: 09/2014-08/2018.
  6. EXTREEMS - QED: Directions in Data Discovery (Data Cubed) in Undergraduate Education.PI: Anne Dougherty; Co-PIs: Francois Meyer, Kenneth M. Anderson, Gunnar Martinsson. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $590,336. Duration: 08/2014–07/2017.
  7. Hazards SEES Type 2: Hazard Prediction and Communication Dynamics in the Modern Information Environment.PI: Rebecca Morss; Co-PIs: Chris Snyder, Christopher Davis, Heather Lazrus, Olga Wilhelmi; Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $3M. $1.1M subcontract to CU: Leysia Palen, PI; Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson, James Martin, Martha Palmer. Duration: 09/2013–08/2017.
  8. INSPIRE: Automating Reasoning in Interpreting Climate Records of the Past.PI: Elizabeth Bradley. Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson, Jim White, Tom Marchitto. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $642,815. Duration: 09/2012–08/2015.
  9. Enterprise Search Project.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: Gates Corporation (Sponsored Research). Amount: $149K. Duration: 7/2012–7/2013.
  10. HCC: Large: Collaborative Research: Widescale Computer-Mediated Communication in Crisis Response: Roles, Trust & Accuracy in the Social Distribution of Information.PI: Leysia Palen. Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson, Gloria Mark, James Martin, Douglas Sicker. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: $2.875M ($2.396M CU; .479M UC, Irvine). Duration: 09/2009–08/2013.
  11. Experimental Data Management for the Process Development and Integration Laboratory.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: NREL. Amount: 158K. Duration: 09/2008–12/2011.
  12. Event-Based Document Sensing for Insider Threats.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Co-PIs: Alexander Wolf, Dennis Heimbigner, Antonio Carzaniga. Funding Agency: ARDA. Amount: 1.1M. Duration: 07/2003–06/2006.
  13. ITR: Collaborative Research: Software for Interpretation of Cosmogenic Isotope Inventories—A Combination of Geology, Modeling, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence.PI: Marek Zreda and Elizabeth Bradley. Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: 1.6 M. Duration: 09/2003–08/2008.
  14. Materials Digital Library: Scientist: Kenneth M. Anderson. (This is a subcontract on a Digital Libraries grant based out of Kent State University.) Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: 20K (out of a 750K grant total). Duration: 09/2003–08/2005.
  15. Machine Learning for Record Linkage.Participating Scientist: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: US Air Force. Amount 30K. Duration: 02/2002–06/2002.
  16. A Lightweight, Flexible, and Web-Based Approach to Supporting Workflow in Digital Libraries.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Co-PI: Martin Ruzek. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: 476K. Duration: 09/2001–08/2003.
  17. Supporting Information Integration in Large-Scale Software Development.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: NSF. Amount: 198K. Duration: 09/2000–08/2003.
  18. Definition, Deployment, and Use of Gauges to Manage Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems (DASADA). PIs: Alexander L. Wolf, Dennis Heimbigner, Kenneth M. Anderson, Andre van der Hoek. Funding Agency: DARPA. Amount: 715K. Duration: 07/2000 to 06/2002.

$315K in additional funding from various sources.

  1. Donations for Colorado Affiliate of the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award.Amount: ~95K in support since Fall 2010.
  2. Gift-in-Kind Software Donation by Rally Software. Amount: $15.9K. Awarded: Fall 2015.
  3. Gift-in-Kind Software Donation by Rally Software. Amount: $14K. Awarded: Fall 2014.
  4. Gift from Godfrey Sullivan, CEO of Splunk Inc.Amount: $214K. Awarded: Spring & Fall 2013.
  5. Gift-in-Kind Software Donation by Rally Software.Amount: $20.58K. Received: August 2010.
  6. Gift-in-Kind Software Donation by Rally Software.Amount: $24K. Received: June 2010.
  7. Video Resources for the Lower Division Computer Science Curriculum.Principal Investigator: Clayton Lewis. Co-PIs: Kenneth M. Anderson, Dirk Grunwald, Shiv Mishra. Funding Agency: CU Chancellor’s Faculty Award for Excellence in STEM Education. Amount: $5.125K. Duration: 8/2009–05/2010.
  8. Northrop Grumman Travel Fund for Students Performing CyberSecurity Research.Faculty Contacts: Douglas Sicker and Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: Northrop Grumman. Amount: $1.4K. Received: Fall 2009.
  9. Improving the Atmosphere of the Computer Science Education Lab (CSEL) with a High-Definition Flat Panel Display.PI: Kenneth M. Anderson. Funding Agency: CU's Engineering Excellence Fund. Amount: 2K. Awarded: Fall 2006.


  1. “Towards Next-Generation Software Infrastructure for Crisis Informatics Research” Invited Keynote for the 3rd International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management, part of the 2015 World Wide Web Conference. May 2015


Authors marked with an asterisk below were PhD student collaborators at the time of publication.


  1. Ahmet Arif Aydin and Kenneth M. Anderson. Data Modeling for Large-Scale Social Media Analytics: Design Challenges and Lessons Learned. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 386-414, September 2020.
  2. “‘sometimes da #beachlife ain't always da wave’: Understanding People's Evolving Hurricane Risk Communication, Risk Assessments, and Responses Using Twitter Narratives”, by Julie Demuth, Rebecca Morss, Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson, Jennings Anderson*, Marina Kogan*, Kevin Stowe*, Melissa Bica*, Heather Lazrus, Olga Wilhelmi, Jen Henderson.Weather, Climate and Society, Vool. 10, Num. 3, pp. 537–560, June 2018.
  3. “The Crowd is the Territory: Assessing Quality in Peer-Produced Spatial Data During Disasters”, by Jennings Anderson*, Robert Soden*, Brian Keegan, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Leysia Palen.International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 34, Issue 4 (Special Issue on Social Media in Crisis Management) pp. 295–310, January 2018.
  4. “Hazardous Weather Prediction and Communication in the Modern Information Environment”, by Rebecca Morss, Julie Demuth, Heather Lazrus, Leysia Palen, Michael Barton, Christopher Davis, Chris Snyder, Olga Wilhelmi, Kenneth Anderson, David Ahijevych, Jennings Anderson*, Melissa Bica*, Kathryn Fossell, Jennifer Henderson, Marina Kogan*, Kevin Stowe*, and Joshua Watts.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, pp. 2653–2674, December 2017.
  5. “Getting the Query Right for Crisis Informatics: Design Issues for Web-Based Analysis Environments”, by Mario Barrenechea*, Sahar Jambi*, Ahmet Arif Aydin*, Mazin Hakeem*, and Kenneth M. Anderson.Journal of Web Engineering, September 2017, Volume 16. Issue 5-6. pp. 399–432.
  6. “Crisis Informatics: New Data for Extraordinary Times”, by Leysia Palen and Kenneth M. Anderson.Science, 353(6296): 224–225, July 2016. DOI:.
  7. “Forensic Reasoning and Paleoclimatology: Creating a System That Works”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bradley, Laura Rassbach de Vesine*, Marek Zreda, and Chris Zweck.Advances in Cognitive Systems, 3(2014), 221–240, July 2014.
  8. “Architectural Implications of Social Media Analytics in Support of Crisis Informatics Research”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Aaron Schram*, Ali Alzabarah*, and Leysia Palen.IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 36(3), 13–20, September 2013.
  9. “The Theoretical Basis of ACE, an Age Calculation Engine for Cosmogenic Nuclides”, by Christopher Zweck, Marek Zreda, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Elizabeth Bradley.Chemical Geology, 291(1):199–205, January 2012.
  10. “Providing Decision Support for Cosmogenic Isotope Dating”, by Laura Rassbach*, Elizabeth Bradley, and Kenneth M. Anderson.AI Magazine, 32(2): 69–78, Summer 2011.
  11. “Supporting ‘Everyday Analysts’ in Safety- and Time-Critical Situations”, by Leysia Palen, Sarah Vieweg*, and Kenneth M. Anderson.The Information Society, 27(1):52–62, January 2011.
  12. “Extending Types to Modeling Problem-Space Entities”, by William Van Lepthien*and Kenneth M. Anderson. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(2): 1–22. December 2006.
  13. “Structural Templates and Transformations: The Themis Structural Computing Environment”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba*, and William V. Lepthien*. In Special Issue on Structural Computing,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 26(1): 47–71. [doi:10.1016/S1084-8045(02)00059-0], January, 2003.
  14. “A View of Software Development Environments Based on Activity Theory”, by Paulo Barthelmess*and Kenneth M. Anderson. In Special Issue on Activity Theory and the Practice of Design,Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing, Vol. 11, Nos. 1–2, pages 13–37, June 2002.
  15. “The Extensibility Mechanisms of the Chimera Open Hypermedia System.”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. In Special Issue on Hypermedia Extensibility Mechanisms and Scripting Languages,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 24(1): 75–86. (doi:10.1006/jnca.2000.0124), January 2001.
  16. “Chimera: Hypermedia for Heterogeneous Software Development Environments”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Richard N. Taylor, and E. James Whitehead, Jr. InACM Transactions on Information Systems, 18(3): 211–245, July 2000. <>.
  17. “Supporting Software Engineering with Open Hypermedia”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InACM Computing Surveys' Electronic Symposium on Hypermedia, Vol. 31, Num. 4es, December 1999, 5 pages. <>.
  18. “Issues of Data Scalability in Open Hypermedia Systems”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. In Special Issue on Open Hypermedia Systems,The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Vol. 5 (1999), pp. 151–178.
  19. “Addressing Interoperability in Open Hypermedia: The Design of the Open Hypermedia Protocol”, by Siegfried Reich, Uffe K. Wiil, Peter J. Nürnberg, Hugh C. Davis, Kaj Grønbæk, Kenneth M. Anderson, David E. Millard, and Jörg M. Haake. In Special Issue on Open Hypermedia Systems,The New Review of Hypermedia and MultiMedia, Vol. 5 (1999), pp. 207–248.
  20. “Web-Based Development of Complex Information Products”, by Roy T. Fielding, E. James Whitehead, Jr., Kenneth M. Anderson, Gregory A. Bolcer, Peyman Oreizy, and Richard N. Taylor. InCommunications of the ACM, 41(8): 84–92, August 1998. <>.
  21. “A Critique of the Open Hypermedia Protocol”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Richard N. Taylor, and E. James Whitehead Jr. InJournal of Digital Information, Vol. 1, Issue 2, January, 1998.
  22. “A Component- and Message-Based Architectural Style for GUI Software”, by Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidovic, Kenneth M. Anderson, E. James Whitehead Jr., Jason E. Robbins, Kari A. Nies, Peyman Oreizy, and Deborah L. Dubrow, InIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 22(6): 390–406, June, 1996.
  23. “Chiron-1: A Software Architecture for User Interface Development, Maintenance, and Run-Time Support”, by Richard N. Taylor, Kari A. Nies, Gregory A. Bolcer, Craig A. MacFarlane, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Greg F. Johnson. InACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2(2): 105–144, March, 1995. <>.
  1. “EPIC Collab: Supporting Asynchronous Collaboration in Big Data Analysis Systems”, by Rsha Mirza, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Stephen Voida. In2021 IEEE6thInternational Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics, Chengdu, China, pp. 17-26, doi: 10.1109/ICCCBDA51879.2021.9442495,April 2021.
  2. “ML-EPIC: Collection and Translation of Multilingual Social Media Data”, by Afnan Aldhahri and Kenneth M. Anderson. In 3rd International Conference on Big Data Technologies, pp. 11-15, Qingdao, China, September 2020.
  3. “Intended & Unintended Consequences of Rapidly Expanding an Engineering Mathematics Intervention for Incoming First-Year Students”, by Janet Tsai, Beth Myers, Jacquelyn Sullivan, and Kenneth M. Anderson. In American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 17 pages. June 2019. . Received Best Paper Award in the First Year Programs division.
  4. “Incorporating Context and Location Into Social Media Analysis: A Scalable, Cloud-Based Approach for More Powerful Data Science”, by Jennings Anderson*, Gerard Casas Saez*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Leysia Palen, and Rebecca Morss. InHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2019.
  5. “Scaling Up or Scale-making? Examining Sociocultural Factors in a New Model for Engineering Mathematics Education”, by Janet Y. Tsai, Kevin O'Connor, Beth A. Myers, Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, Derek T. Reamon, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25 pages. June 2018.
  6. “Examining the Replication–or Mutation–Processes of Implementing a National Model for Engineering Mathematics Education at a New Site”, by Janet Y. Tsai, Kevin O'Connor, Beth A. Myers, Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, Derek T. Reamon, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 19 pages. June 2018.
  7. “Engineering Scalable Distributed Services for Real-Time Big Data Analytics”, by Sahar Jambi*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InInternational Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, pp. 131–140. April 2017.
  8. “Batch to Real-Time: Incremental Data Collection & Analytics Platform”, by Ahmet Arif Aydin*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 5911–5920. January 2017.
  9. “Far Far Away in Far Rockaway: Responses to Risks and Impacts during Hurricane Sandy through First-Person Social Media Narratives”, by Jennings Anderson*, Marina Kogan*, Melissa Bica*, Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson, Kevin Stowe*, Rebecca Morss, Julie Demuth, Heather Lazrus, Olga Wilhelm, & Jennifer Henderson. InInternational Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 16 pages. May 2016.
  10. “Finding the Way to OSM Mapping Practices: Bounding Large Crisis Datasets for Qualitative Investigation”, by Marina Kogan*, Jennings Anderson*, Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Robert Soden*. To appear in34th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2783–2795. May 2016. (Acceptance rate: 23%)
  11. “EPIC-OSM: A Software Framework for OpenStreetMap Data Analytics”, by Jennings Anderson*, Robert Soden*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Marina Kogan*, and Leysia Palen. InHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 5468–5477, January 2016.
  12. “Getting the Query Right: User Interface Design of Analysis Platforms for Crisis Research”, by Mario Barrenechea*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Ahmet Arif Aydin*, Mazin Hakeem*, and Sahar Jambi*. In15th International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 547–564, June 2015.Nominated for Best Paper Award.
  13. “Incremental Sorting for Large Dynamic Data Sets”, by Ahmet Arif Aydin*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InFirst IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, pp. 170–175, March/April 2015.
  14. “Tweet Local, Retweet Global: Retweeting by the Geographically-Vulnerable during Hurricane Sandy”, by Marina Kogan*, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, pp. 981–993, February 2015. (Acceptance rate: 28%)
  15. “Design Challenges/Solutions for Environments Supporting the Analysis of Social Media Data in Crisis Informatics Research”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Ahmet Arif Aydin*, Mario Barrenechea*, Adam Cardenas*, Mazin Hakeem*, and Sahar Jambi*. InHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 163–172, January 2015.Nominated for Best Paper Award.
  16. “Engineering Crowdwork for Disaster Events: The Human-Centered Development of a Lost-and-Found Tasking Environment”, by Mario Barrenechea*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Leysia Palen, and Joanne White*. InHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 182–191, January 2015.
  17. “Supporting Disaster Reconnaissance with Social Media Data: A Design-Oriented Case Study of the 2013 Colorado Floods”, by Shideh Dashti, Leysia Palen, Mehdi Heris*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Scott Anderson, and T. Jennings Anderson*. InProceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, pp. 632–641, May 2014.Nominated for Best Paper Award.
  18. “Mastering Social Media: An Analysis of Jefferson County's Communications during the 2013 Colorado Floods”, by Lise St. Denis*, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, pp. 737–746, May 2014.
  19. “Online Public Communications by Police & Fire Services during the 2012 Hurricane Sandy”, by Amanda Hughes*, Lise St. Denis*, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1505–1514, April 2014. (Acceptance rate: 23%)
  20. “Digital Mobilization in Disaster Response: The Work & Self-Organization of On-Line Pet Advocates in Response to Hurricane Sandy”, by Joanne White*, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, pp. 866–876, February 2014. (Acceptance rate: 27%)
  21. “MySQL to NoSQL: Data Modeling Challenges in Supporting Scalability”, by Aaron Schram*and Kenneth M. Anderson. In 2012 ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity, pp. 191–202. Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 2012. (Acceptance rate: 26%)
  22. “Representing Our Information Structures for Research and for Everyday Use - alt.chi”, by William Jones, Kenneth M. Anderson, Steve Whittaker. InExtended Abstracts of the 2012 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 151–160, May 2012.
  23. “‘Beacons of Hope’ in Decentralized Coordination: Learning from On-the-Ground Medical Twitterers During the 2010 Haiti Earthquake”, by Aleksandra Sarcevic, Joanne White*, Leysia Palen, Kate Starbird*, Mossaab Bagdouri*and Kenneth M. Anderson. In2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, pp. 47–56, February 2012. (Acceptance rate: 40%, after rigorous revise and resubmit process more typical of a journal than conference.)
  24. “Blogs as a Collective War Diary”, by Gloria Mark, Leysia Palen, Mossaab Bagdouri*, Ban Al-Ani, James Martin and Kenneth M. Anderson. In2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, pp. 37–46, February 2012. (Acceptance rate: 40%, after rigorous revise and resubmit process more typical of a journal than conference.)
  25. “NLP to the Rescue?: Extracting ‘Situational Awareness’ Tweets During Mass Emergency”, by Sudha Verma*, Will Corvey*, Sarah Vieweg*, Jim Martin, Leysia Palen, Martha Palmer, Aaron Schram*and Kenneth M. Anderson. In5th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, pp. 385–392, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011. (Acceptance rate: 20%)
  26. , by William Jones and Kenneth M. Anderson. In22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp. 113–122, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2011. (Acceptance rate: 34%)
  27. “Design and Implementation of a Data Analytics Infrastructure in Support of Crisis Informatics Research: NIER track”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Aaron Schram*. In33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 844–847, Waikiki, Honolulu , HI, USA, May 2011. (Acceptance rate: 23%)
  28. “”, by Douglas C. Sicker, Leysia Palen, Dirk Grunwald, Kenneth Mark Anderson, and Lisa Blumensaadt. In38th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, 15 pages, October 2010.
  29. “Providing Decision Support for Cosmogenic Isotope Dating”, by Laura Rassbach*, Elizabeth Bradley, and Kenneth M. Anderson. In22nd Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-10), pp. 1833–1838, July 2010
  30. “End-to-end Support for Paleolandform Dating”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bradley, Laura Rassbach*, Christopher Zweck, and Marek Zreda. InN. Adams, M. Berthold, and P. Cohen, editors, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 171–183, May 2010
  31. “A Vision for Technology-Mediated Support for Public Participation & Assistance in Mass Emergencies & Disasters”, by Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson, Gloria Mark, James Martin, Douglas Sicker, Martha Palmer, and Dirk Grunwald. InAssociation of Computing Machinery and British Computing Society’s 2010 Conference on Visions of Computer Science, April 2010. Article 8, 12 pages. (Acceptance rate: 16%)
  32. “Software Engineering Concerns in Tools for Expressing and Exploring Combinatorial Data”, by Daniel Korytina*, Kenneth M. Anderson and Glenn Murray. InProceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, Vol 1, pp. 57–63. Las Vegas, NV, USA. July 2009. (Acceptance rate: 27%)
  33. “Ad Hoc Structured Search over Complex, High-Throughput Data Sets expressed in a Restructurable, Integrated Form”, by Daniel Korytina*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Peter A. Graf, Wesley B. Jones and Glenn A. Murray. InProceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 1, pp. 143–150. Las Vegas, NV, USA. July 2009. (Acceptance rate: 27%)
  34. “Modeling Software Systems with Decidable Semantics: Implications on Software Quality Assurance”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Steven Bucuvalas. InProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, pp. 95–101, Las Vegas, NV, USA. July 2008. (Acceptance rate: 28%)
  35. “Application of Open Hypermedia to Military Software”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, pp. 3–9, Las Vegas, NV, USA. July 2008. (Acceptance rate: 28%)
  36. “ACE: Age Calculation Engine – A Design Environment for Cosmogenic Dating Techniques”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bradley, Marek Zreda, Laura Rassbach*, Chris Zweck, and Evan Sheehan*. InProceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP'07), pages 39–48, Papeete, Tahiti. November 4–9, 2007.
  37. “Towards Pervasive Traceability”, by Susanne A. Sherba*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'07), Vol. 1, pages 85–94, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. June 25–28, 2007.
  38. “Arguing about Radioisotope Dating”, by Laura Rassbach*, Elizabeth Bradley, Kenneth M. Anderson, Marek Zreda, and Chris Zweck. InProceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, pp. 132–141, Aberystwyth, UK, June 2007.
  39. , by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 2005 Metainformatics Symposium, Article 1,pp. 1–11, Esbjerg, Denmark. Published: February 2007.
  40. , by William Van Lepthien*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 2005 Metainformatics Symposium, Article 16, pp. 166–176, Esbjerg, Denmark. Published: February 2007.
  41. “Templates and Queries in Contextual Hypermedia”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Frank Allan Hansen*, and Niels Olof Bouvin. InProceedings of the 2006 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 99–110, Odense, Denmark. August 22–25, 2006. (Winner of the 2006 Engelbart Best Paper Award)
  42. “Unifying Structure, Behavior, and Data with Themis Types and Templates”, by William Van Lepthien*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 2004 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 256–265, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. August 9–13, 2004. (Note: acceptance rate of 25%)
  43. “The Materials Digital Library:”, by Laura M. Bartolo, Cecilia Robinson, Sharon C. Glotzer, Javed I. Khan, Adam C. Powell, Donald R. Sadoway, Kenneth M. Anderson, James A. Warren, Vinod Tewary, and Cathy S. Lowe. InProceedings of the 2004 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, page 398, Tucson, Arizona, June 7–11, 2004.
  44. “Structure and Behavior Awareness in Themis”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba*, and William Van Lepthien*. InProceedings of the 2003 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 138–147, Nottingham, UK. August 26–30, 2003. <>. (Note: acceptance rate of 25%)
  45. “Metis: Lightweight, Flexible, and Web-based Workflow Services for Digital Libraries”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Aaron Andersen*, Neet Wadhwani*, and Laura M. Bartolo. InProceedings of the 2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pages 98–109, Houston, TX, USA. May 27–31, 2003. (Note: acceptance rate of 25%)'
  46. “Reconfiguration in the Enterprise JavaBean Component Model”, by Matthew J. Rutherford*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Antonio Carzaniga, Dennis Heimbigner, and Alexander L. Wolf. InProceedings of the First International IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component Deployment, pages 67–81, Berlin, Germany, June 20–21, 2002.
  47. “Towards Large-Scale Information Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba*, and William V. Lepthien*. InProceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 524–534, Orlando, FL, USA, May 19–25, 2002. <>.(Note: acceptance rate <15%)
  48. “Achieving Survivability of Complex and Dynamic Systems with the Willow Framework”, by Alexander L. Wolf, Dennis Heimbigner, Antonio Carzaniga, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Nathan Ryan*. InProceedings of the Working Conference on Complex and Dynamic Systems Architectures, pages 25–29. Brisbane, Australia, December 2001.
  49. “Integrating Infrastructure: Enabling Large-Scale Client Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Christian Och*, Roger King, and Richard M. Osborne. InProceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 57–66, San Antonio, TX, USA, May 30–June 4, 2000. <>.
  50. “XLink and Open Hypermedia Systems: A Preliminary Investigation”, by Brent Halsey*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 212–213, San Antonio, TX, USA, May 30–June 4, 2000. <>.
  51. “Supporting Industrial Hyperwebs: Lessons in Scalability”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 573–582, Los Angeles, CA, USA, May 16–22, 1999. (Note: acceptance rate <15%)
  52. “Data Scalability in Open Hypermedia Systems”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 27–36, Darmstadt, Germany, February 21–25, 1999. <>.
  53. “Integrating Open Hypermedia Systems with the World Wide Web”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 1997 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 157–166, Southampton, UK, April 6–11, 1997. <>.
  54. “Extending User-Interface Toolkits with Hypermedia Functionality”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 197–207. Wailea, Hawaii, USA, January, 1997.
  55. “A Component- and Message-Based Architectural Style for GUI Software”, by Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidovic, Kenneth M. Anderson, E. James Whitehead, Jr., and Jason E. Robbins. InProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 295–304. Seattle, Washington, USA, April 24–28, 1995. <>.
  56. “Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments”, by Kenneth M. Anderson, Richard N. Taylor, and E. James Whitehead, Jr. InProceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 94–107, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 1994. <>.
  1. “Promoting Structured Data in Citizen Communications During Disaster Response: An Account of Strategies for Diffusion of the ‘Tweak the Tweet’ Syntax”, by Kate Starbird*, Leysia Palen, Sophia B. Liu*, Sarah Vieweg*, Amanda Hughes*, Aaron Schram*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Mossaab Badgouri*, Casey McTaggart*, and Chris Schenk*. InChristine Hagar (Ed.), Crisis Information Management: Communication and Technologies, Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. November 2011.
  2. “Using Open Hypermedia to Support Information Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Susanne A. Sherba*. InHypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2266, pages 8–16, February 2002.
  3. “Using Structural Computing to Support Information Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Susanne A. Sherba*. InHypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2266, pages 151–159, February 2002.
  4. “Structural Computing Requirements for the Transformation of Structures and Behaviors”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InOpen Hypermedia and Structural Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1903, pages 140–146, September 2000.
  1. Special Issue on Hypermedia Extensibility Mechanisms and Scripting Languages. Uffe K. Wiil and Kenneth M. Anderson, editors. InJournal of Network and Computer Applications, 24(1): 86 pages, January 2001.
  2. Open Hypermedia Systems and Structural Computing. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems and the 2nd International Workshop on Structural Computing. Siegfried Reich and Kenneth M. Anderson, editors. San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 30–June 3, 2000. InLecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1903: 183 pages, Fall 2000.
  1. “Unwinding Pluritemporal Time in Digital Humanitarian Crowdwork,” by Wendy Norris*, Stephen Voida, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Future of Work held in conjunction with the 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2019.
  2. “Developing and Evaluating Annotation Procedures for Twitter Data during Hazard Events”, by Kevin Stowe*, Martha Palmer, Jennings Anderson*, Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson, Marina Kogan*, Rebecca Morss, Julie Demuth, and Heather Lazrus. InProceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructionsheld in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Aug. 2018.
  3. “Improving Classification of Twitter Behavior During Hurricane Events”, by Kevin Stowe*, Jennings Anderson*, Martha Palmer, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media, held with the Conference for the Association of Computational Linguistics, Jul. 2018.
  4. “Identifying and Categorizing Disaster-Related Tweets”, by Kevin Stowe*, Michael Paul, Martha Palmer, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP), part of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 6 pages. Nov. 2016.
  5. “A Vision for Heart Rate Health Through Wearables”, by Reem Albaghli*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Workshop on Designing, Developing, and Evaluating the Internet of Personal Health, part of the Adjunct Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 1101-1105, Sep. 2016.
  6. “Embrace the Challenges: Software Engineering in a Big Data World”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Big Data Software Engineering, part of the 2015 International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 19-25, May 2015.
  7. “Places of Our Own for Digital Information: Building Structures that Work for Individuals and Small Groups”, by William Jones, Steve Whittaker, and Kenneth M. Anderson. In2012 Personal Information Management Workshop, part of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 4 pages, February 2012.
  8. “Applications of Topics Models to Analysis of Disaster-Related Twitter Data”, by Krill Kireyev*, Leysia Palen, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InNeural Information Processing Systems Foundation Workshop, 4 pages, Seattle, WA, 2009.
  9. “A Framework for Mapping Traceability Relationships”, by Susanne A. Sherba*, Kenneth M. Anderson, and Maha Faisal*. InProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering (TEFSE'03), Part of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. October 7, 2003.
  10. “A Framework for Managing Traceability Relationships between Requirements and Architecture”, by Susanne A. Sherba*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Second International Software Requirements to Architectures Workshop (STRAW'03), Part of the 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering, Portland, Oregon, USA. pp. 150–156. May 3–11, 2003.
  11. “Configuration Management Culture as the Kernel to Success in Software Process Improvement Efforts”, by Thomas C. Green*and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Software Process Technology, Dortmund, Germany. June 19–21, 2001.
  12. “Using XML to Support Information Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Susanne A. Sherba*. InProceedings of the International Workshop on XML Technologies and Software Engineering (XSE 2001), Part of the 2001 International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May 15, 2001.
  13. “Supporting Project Awareness on the WWW with the iScent Framework”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Niels Olof Bouvin*. InProceedings of the International Workshop on Awareness and the WWW, Part of the 2000 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia, PA, USA. December 2–6, 2000. NOTE: Also appeared inACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 21(3): 16–20. December 2000. <>.
  14. “Software Engineering Requirements for Structural Computing”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the First International Workshop on Structural Computing. Part of the 1999 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Darmstadt, Germany. February 21–25, 1999.
  15. “Client-Side Services for Open Hypermedia: Getting Past the 'foo'...”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. Part of the 1998 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. June 20–24, 1998.
  16. “A Critique of the Open Hypermedia Protocol”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Third International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. Part of the 1997 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Southampton, UK. April 6–11, 1997.
  17. “Providing Automatic Support for Extra-Application Hypertext Functionality”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Incorporating Hypertext Functionality Into Software Systems. Part of the 1996 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Washington D.C., USA. March, 16–20 1996.
  18. “Fusing WWW and Link Server Technology: One Approach”, by E. James Whitehead, Jr., Roy T. Fielding, and Kenneth M. Anderson. InProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. Part of the 1996 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pp. 81–86. Washington D.C., USA. March 16–20, 1996.
  1. “Enabling Project Awareness and Intersubjectivity via Hypermedia-Enabled Event Trails”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Niels Olof Bouvin*.Technical Report CU-CS-911-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, December, 2000.
  1. “InfiniTe: Hypermedia-Supported Information Integration”, by Kenneth M. Anderson and Susanne A. Sherba*. Poster and Demo Session. 2001 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Aarhus, Denmark. August 14–18, 2001. <>.
  2. “Chimera: An Open Hypermedia System for Software Engineering”, by Kenneth M. Anderson. Demo Session. 1993 ACM Conference on Hypertext. Seattle, WA, USA. November 1993.
  1. “Contributor-Centric OpenStreetMap Research”, by Jennings Anderson*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Leysia Palen, and Mikel Maron.Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting. April 2017.
  2. “A Real Need for Real-Time OpenStreetMap Analytics”, by Jennings Anderson*, Robert Soden*, Kenneth M. Anderson, Marina Kogan*, and Leysia Palen.Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting. April 2016.
  3. “The Social Life of OpenStreetMap: What Can We Know from the Data? New Tools and Approaches”, by Robert Soden*, Jennings Anderson*, Marina Kogan*, Mikel Maron, and Kenneth M. Anderson.Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting. April 2015.
  4. “iCRONUS meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved Calculations for Cosmogenic Dating Methods—From Neutron Intensity to Previously Ignored Correction Factors”, by Zreda, M., Desilets, D., Li, Y., Bradley, E., and Anderson, K.M.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, Vol. 69, Issue 10, Supplement 1, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, p.A168. May 2005.

Research Systems

  • EPIC Cloud: Data Collection and Analysis Infrastructure on Google Cloud, version 1.0
    Contributing Designer (with Gerard Casas Saez, T. Jennings Anderson, and Ryan Loi). This system is the current incarnation of Project EPIC’s data collection and analysis infrastructure migrated to Google Cloud. It currently stores and processes more than 300M tweets/month on projects related to natural disasters, COVID-19, and the 2020 Presidential Election.
  • FixrDB: Data Processing Pipeline for Android-Related GitHub Repositories, version 1.0-2.0
    Principal Designer and Developer; This system is used to process tens of thousands of GitHub repositories containing millions of files across hundreds of thousands of commits and extracting features that enable bug detection and relevant code search. Implemented first as a set of programs on top of Apache Spark; Reimplemented for incremental processing in Elixir. Fall 2015—Present.
  • epic-osm: Framework for OpenStreetMap Analysis, version 1.0
    Contributing Designer (with Ph.D. students T. Jennings Anderson, Robert Soden, and Marina Kogan). This framework is in active use by the OpenStreetMap Community; It has been released on GitHub under an open source license: <>. Fall 2014—Present.
  • EPIC Analyze: Twitter Data Analytics Environment, version 1.0
    Contributing Designer (with Ph.D. students Ahmet Arif Aydin, Mario Barrenechea, Adam Cardenas, Mazin Hakeem, and Sahar Jambi). This analysis environment for large Twitter data sets is in active use internally at Project EPIC. Fall 2013—Present.
  • Facebook Data Collection System, version 1.0
    Principal Designer and Developer. This system is used internally by Project EPIC to collect the posts of public Facebook pages/groups. Fall 2013—Present.
  • EPIC Collect: Twitter Data Collection System, versions 1.0–2.0
    Contributing Designer (with Ph.D. student Aaron Schram). This system is used internally by Project EPIC to collect billions of tweets for crisis informatics research. Spring 2010—Present.
  • , versions 1.0–3.0
    Principal designer and developer. Design environment for geoscientists who perform research on cosmogenic nuclide dating. Released as open source at: <>. ACE was used by that research community for many years after research project ended. Spring 2003—Summer 2008.
  • Metis Workflow Management System (for Digital Libraries), version 1.0
    Principal designer and developer. Prototype software developed for NSF; used internally for research and experimentation. Fall 2003-Summer 2005.
  • InfiniTe: Information Integration Environment, version 1.0
    Principal designer. Prototype software used internally for research and experimentation; Spring 2002-Summer 2005.
  • Themis Structural Computing Environment, version 1.0
    Principal designer. Prototype software used internally for research and experimentation; Spring 2002-Summer 2005.
  • Chimera Open Hypermedia System, versions 1.0–4.0
    Principal designer and developer. Prototype software developed for DARPA and NSF; used internally for research and experimentation; deployed briefly at Northrop Grumman as part of the evaluation work of my PhD dissertation. Summer 1993—Summer 2005.
  • C2 Architectural Style
    Participated in design of the C2 architectural style; work performed as graduate student at UCI.
    Helped implement Ada components in initial C2 demo. 1990-1993.
  • Chiron-1 User Interface Development System
    Participated in design of client architecture; work performed as undergraduate and graduate student at UCI.
    Implemented several Chiron-1 development tools and artists. 1989-1993.
Towards Next-Generation Software Infrastructure for Crisis Informatics ResearchOctober 2015
Embrace the Challenges: Software Engineering in a Big Data World1st International Workshop on Big Data Software Engineering, Part of 2015 International Conference on Software EngineeringMay 2015
Towards Next-Generation Software Infrastructure for Crisis Informatics ResearchKeynote, 3rd International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster ManagementMay 2015
Design Challenges/Solutions for Environments Supporting the Analysis of Social Media Data in Crisis Informatics Research2015 Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesJanuary 2015
Using Cassandra to Support Crisis Informatics Research2014 Cassandra Day in DenverOctober 2014
EPIC Analyze: Lessons Learned Analyzing Large Twitter Datasets in Support of Crisis Informatics ResearchLeeds Business Analytics ConferenceSeptember 2014
Big Data Crisis Informatics: Challenges in Software Design, Data Modeling, and AnalysisParticipatory Information Technology at Aarhus UniversityJune 2014
Supporting Disaster Reconnaissance with Social Media Data: A Design-Oriented Case Study of the 2013 Colorado FloodsInternational Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and ManagementMay 2014
Big Data & Disasters: How You Can HelpTedxCUApril 2014
Big Data in Crisis Informatics:
Project EPIC's Analytics Infrastructure2013 CU Leeds Business Analytics ForumNovember 2012
MySQL to NoSQL: Data Modeling Challenges in Supporting Scalability2012 ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for HumanityOctober 2012
Design and implementation of a data analytics infrastructure in support of crisis informatics research: NIER track2011 International Conference on Software EngineeringMay 2011
A Vision for Technology-Mediated Support for Public Participation & Assistance in Mass Emergencies & Disasters2010 ACM/BCS Visions of Computer Science ConferenceApril 2010


Exploiting “Big Data” in Collaboration Initiatives Panel at the 2012 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 12). May 23, 2012.

Major Courses (does not include independent studies)

SemesterCSCITitleUgradsGradsCourse Rating (out of 6)Instructor Rating (out of 6)
Spring 2024No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Fall 2023No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Spring 2023No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Fall 2022No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Spring 2022No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Fall 2021No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Spring 2021No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Fall 2020No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Spring 2020No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Fall 2019No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being Chair of Computer Science
Spring 2019No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being CEAS Associate Dean for Education.
Fall 2018No teaching due to teaching load reduction for being CEAS Associate Dean for Education.
Spring 20185828Foundations of Software Engineering295.25.4
Fall 2017No teaching due to service reduction for being CEAS Associate Dean for Education.
Spring 2017No teaching due to service reduction for being CEAS Associate Dean for Education.
Fall 20165828Foundations of Software Engineering52
Spring 2016No teaching due to service reduction for being CEAS Associate Dean for Education.
Fall 20155828Foundations of Software Engineering425.55.3
Summer 20155448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design75.55.5
5828Foundations of Software Engineering26.06.0
Spring 20154830/7000Data Engineering26114.85.4
5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design75.05.0
Fall 20145828Foundations of Software Engineering465.25.4
Spring 2014No teaching due to sabbatical.
Fall 2013No teaching due to sabbatical.
Spring 2013No teaching due to service reduction. Led implementation of BA in CS degree program.
Fall 20124448/5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design48505.15.5
Spring 20125828Foundations of Software Engineering495.15.5
Fall 20114448/5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design53405.25.6
Spring 20114448/5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design55395.05.3
Fall 2010No teaching due to course reduction.
Summer 20104448/5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design45.36.0
Spring 20105828Foundations of Software Engineering325.45.4
Fall 20094448/5448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design42324.95.2
Spring 20095828Foundations of Software Engineering354.95.1
Fall 20084448/6448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design30165.35.6
7818Seminar on Web Services3115.15.5
Spring 20085828Foundations of Software Engineering345.15.6
Fall 20074448/6448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design31234.85.0
Spring 20075828Foundations of Software Engineering404.34.9
Fall 20063308Software Methods and Tools394.74.9
7818Seminar on Web Services284.95.4
Spring 2006Hypermedia (Aarhus University)40N/AN/A
Web Services (Aarhus University)9N/AN/A
Fall 2005No teaching due to sabbatical
Spring 20054448/6448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design28385.45.6
Fall 20043308Software Methods and Tools375.25.4
Spring 2004No teaching due to parental leave
Fall 20033308Software Methods and Tools594.74.7
Spring 20036448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design43Scores not available prior to Fall 2003
Fall 20023308Software Methods and Tools78
Spring 20026448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design46
Fall 20013308Software Methods and Tools81
7818Next-Generation Web Technologies15
Spring 20016448Object-Oriented Analysis & Design63
Fall 20003308Software Methods and Tools51
7818XML tools, techniques, and standards12
Spring 20005828Foundations of Software Engineering48
Fall 19997818Open Hypermedia9
Spring 19995828Foundations of Software Engineering68
Fall 19985828Object-Oriented Analysis & Design47
Winter 1998Introduction to Software Engineering (at UC Irvine)94


NameStartedStatus / CompletedLocation
Deepika Rama Subramanian (co-advised with Prof. Leysia Palen)Fall 2021In ProgressCU Boulder
Madelyn Zander (co-advised with Profs. Leysia Palen and Alison Cool)Fall 2019In ProgressCU Boulder
Afnan AldhahriFall 2016Fall 2020Umm Al-Qura University
Rsha MizraFall 2015Spring 2019King Abdulaziz University
Reem AlbaghliFall 2014Spring 2018Kuwait University
Mazin HakeemSpring 2013Fall 2019
Sahar JambiSpring 2012Fall 2016
Fall 2013Summer 2016Assistant Professor at
Mario BarrenecheaFall 2011Spring 2016
Ali AlzabarahSpring 2011Spring 2014
Spring 2010Spring 2015CTO, Sopris Health
William Van LepthienFall 2003Spring 2010Digital Globe
Susanne SherbaFall 2001Spring 2005University of Denver
Maha FaisalFall 2001Spring 2005Kuwait University
Thomas C. GreenSpring 2001Spring 2003Practical Process
  • Gerard Casas Saez, M.S., Summer 2019.
  • Kelvin Kosbab,M.S., December 2014
  • Amrutha Rajiv,M.S., May 2013
  • Anu Sundaravel,M.S., December 2010
  • Matthew Novinger,M.S., May 2010
  • Chris Baker,M.S., May 2010
  • Scott Mackey,M.S., December 2009
  • AJ Lindell,M.S., May 2009
  • Shibani Basava,M.S., May 2008
  • Gary Knoll,M.S., December 2007
  • Jess Murphy,M.S., December 2006
  • Jeffrey Palm,M.S., May 2003
  • William Van Lepthien,M.S., May 2003
  • Neet Wadhwani,M.S., May 2003
  • Jesse Bowes,M.E., Summer 2016
  • Mike Johnson,M.E., December 2012
  • Russ Winkler,M.E., May 2012
  • Matt Jung,M.E., May 2011
  • Jason La Bumbard,M.E., May 2009
  • Michael Pratt,M.E., May 2009
  • Lee Gerakos, M.E., April 2005
  • Aaron Andersen, M.E., July 2003
  • Edmon Begoli, M.E., May 2003
  • Nathan Blair, M.E., May 2003
  • Song Yang, M.E., December 2000
  • Suzanne Pherigo, M.E., May 1999
  • Ismael Garrido Mansoa, Undergraduate Senior Thesis, Summer 2019
  • Gerard Casas Saez,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, Summer 2017.
  • Trystan Binkley-Jones,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, Spring 2015
  • Alexia Newgord,BA Honors Senior Thesis, Spring 2015
  • Devon Tivona,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, May 2014
  • Eric Horacek,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, May 2013
  • Jeff Taggart,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, December 2011
  • Robert Stimpfling,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, December 2010
  • Ransom Christofferson,Undergraduate Senior Thesis, December 2009


“Pervasive Hypermedia”June, 1997

Dr. Pedro Szekely, USC/ISI
Dr. Jonathan Grudin, UCI
Dr. Richard N. Taylor (Chair), UCI


The heterogeneity of modern computing environments contributes to the information overload experienced by users. Relationships within and between applications, documents, and processes are often implicit and must be managed and tracked by the user. Hypermedia has been put forward as one approach to organizing these relationships, making them explicit so they can be managed. One approach to providing environment-wide hypermedia services is through the use of open hypermedia systems (OHSs). OHSs are open with respect to the set of systems and information over which hypermedia services can be provided. This research area contrasts with the original approach to hypermedia services which involved developing monolithic systems with a closed set of supported data types (e.g. HyperCard). Given the existence of OHSs, another area of research is developing integration techniques such that applications which existed before the introduction of an OHS can take advantage of the hypermedia services provided by the OHS. This dissertation provides contributions in both of these research fields.

In particular, this work demonstrates techniques which enable OHSs to address the heterogeneity of their computing environments, to leverage the strengths of the World Wide Web (while providing the Web with improved hypermedia services), and to integrate large classes of applications at once. Handling heterogeneity is addressed via a set of flexible abstract hypermedia concepts, application program interfaces in multiple programming languages, support for multiple operating systems, and a low entry barrier to use provided by an architecture designed to reduce the responsibilities of client applications. Integration with the Web is enabled via a scalable architecture for OHSs which is compatible with the Web's architecture and takes advantage of the strengths of the Web's protocols and the familiarity of Web interaction styles. The integration of multiple applications occurs via a technique for making user-interface toolkits (and hence their constructed applications) clients of an OHS.

The dissertation is validated by examining the characteristics of the clients integrated with the exploratory systems developed during the course of this research. The dissertation concludes by positioning this work within the context of large-scale information environments.

Professional Associations

  • Association of Computing Machinery
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Software (SIGSOFT)
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI)
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext/Hypermedia (SIGWEB)

Professional Service

  • Information Director, ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, November 1997–January 2004
  • Chair of the Committee for the 2019 ACM Athena Lecturer Award
  • Member of the Committee for the 2017 and 2018 ACM Athena Lecturer Award
  • Vice Chair (USA) of ACM SIGWEB, Fall 2003—Summer 2005
  • 2023 ACM Hypertext and Social Media
  • 2022 ACM Hypertext and Social Media
  • 2021 ACM Hypertext and Social Media
  • 2020 ACM Hypertext and Social Media
  • 2019 Hypertext Infrastructures and Computation track of ACM Hypertext and Social Media
  • 2019 Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
  • 2018 Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
  • 2018 Big Data Analytics at the Euromicro Conference on SE and Advanced Applications
  • 2018 ICWSM: International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (senior PC member)
  • 2017 ICWSM: International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (senior PC member)
  • 2017 Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
  • 2017 Big Data Engineering Mini-Track at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
  • 2016 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2015 ICWSM: Ninth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
  • 2015 AAAI Symposium on Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies
  • 2015 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2014 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2014 Workshop on Collaborations in Emergency Response and Disaster Management
  • 2013 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2013 ICSOFT: 8th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • 2012 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2012 ICSOFT: 7th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • 2011 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2011 ICSOFT: 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • 2010 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2010 ICSOFT: 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • WECU 2010: 1st International Educators‘ Day on Web Engineering Curricula
  • 2009 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2009 International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • 2008 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • 2008 IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
  • 2008 Web Engineering Track of the World Wide Web Conference
  • 2008 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2007 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • 2007 Web Engineering Track of the World Wide Web Conference
  • 2007 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2006 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2006 Workshop on Web Maintenance and Reengineering
  • 2006 Web Engineering Track of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2006)
  • 2005 ACM Conference on Hypertext (Chair of Hypermedia Systems and Structures Track)
  • 2005 Web Engineering Track of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2005)
  • 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004)
  • 2004 International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2004)
  • 2004 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2004 Metainformatics Symposium (MIS 2004)
  • 2002 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2001 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 2001 World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet01)
  • 2001 International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems
  • 2001 International Workshop on XML Technologies and Software Engineering
  • 2000 World Wide Web Conference (WWW9)
  • 2000 World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet00)
  • 2000 International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2000)
  • 2000 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000)
  • 1999 World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet99)
  • Mentor in the ICSE 2013 Mentoring Program
  • Social Media Co-Chair of the 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering
  • Co-Chair of the Software Testing Track of the 2011 Int’l Conf. on IT: New Generations
  • Proceedings Editor, 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering
  • Program Co-Chair, 2002 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • Publicity Chair, 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering
  • Doctoral Consortium Chair, 2001 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • Proceedings Chair, 2000 ACM Conference on Hypertext and 2000 ACM Conference on Digital Libraries
  • Demos and Posters Co-Chair, 1998 ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • Demos and Posters Chair, 1998 ACM Conference on Digital Libraries


  • Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management

  • International Journal of Geographical Information Science
  • IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering
  • ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction
  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
  • Automated Software Engineering
  • International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
  • Journal of Web Engineering
  • Knowledge-Based Systems
  • The New Review of Hypertext and Hypermedia


  • 2017-2019 Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
  • 2015, 2017-2018, 2024 ICWSM: Ninth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media

  • 2015 AAAI Symposium on Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies

  • 2012-2015 DATA: International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications
  • 2009-2013 ICSOFT: International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
  • 2008 IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
  • 2007–2008 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • 2000, 2005–2008 World Wide Web Conference
  • 2000, 2004 International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
  • 1999-2001 World Conference on the WWW and Internet
  • 1997-2002, 2004-2011, 2019-2023ACM Conference on Hypertext
  • 1997, 2000, 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering
  • 1997, 1998, 2013, 2017 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


  • 2014 Workshop on Collaborations in Emergency Response and Disaster Management
  • 2001 International Workshop on XML Technologies and Software Engineering
  • 2001 International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems
  • 2000 International Workshop on Structural Computing

Honors and Awards

  • 2018 Equity and Excellence Faculty Award from CU Boulder’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
  • 2016-2017 Max S. Peters Faculty Service Award for the College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Member of CU’s College of Engineering Faculty Leadership Advancement Group (FLAG); Spring 2012–Fall 2014
  • Fellow of the Excellence in Leadership Program hosted by CU's University Leadership Development Institute for the 2011-2012 academic year
  • Recipient of the Engelbart Best Paper Award at ACM Hypertext 2006
Academic YearService Activities
2023-2024Chair of Department
2022-2023Chair of Department
2021-2022Chair of Department
2020-2021Chair of Department
2019-2020Chair of Department; Mentor to Dan Szafir and Ryan Layer
2018–2019Chair of Dan Szafir's PUEC for Reappointment; Mentor to Dan Szafir and Ryan Layer
2017–2018Mentor to Dan Szafir
2016–2017Chair of Evan Chang's PUEC for Tenure; Mentor to Evan Chang and Dan Szafir
2015–2016Spring 2016: No departmental service due to being an Associate Dean
Fall 2015: Executive Committee; Chair of the Search Committee
2014–2015Chair of the Search Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2013–2014On sabbatical
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
Member of College’s Faculty Leadership Advancement Group
2012–2013Led implementation of the BA in CS degree program
Associate Chair
Executive Committee
Undergraduate Committee, Chair
Staff Supervisor
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
Member of College’s Faculty Leadership Advancement Group
Member of Dean's Blue Ribbon Committee on Major Proposals (Summer 2012)
Member of Dean's Blue Ribbon Committee on Staff Evaluations (Summer 2012)
2011–2012Associate Chair
Executive Committee
Undergraduate Committee, Chair
Fellow of CU’s Excellence in Leadership Program
Member of College’s Faculty Leadership Advancement Group
Staff Supervisor
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2010–2011Associate Chair
Executive Committee
Undergraduate Committee, Chair
Staff Supervisor
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2009–2010Associate Chair (starting Spring 2010)
Executive Committee (starting Spring 2010)
Undergraduate Committee, Chair
Staff Supervisor
ABET Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2008–2009Undergraduate Committee, Chair
ABET Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2007–2008Executive Committee
Search Committee
Diversity Taskforce, Chair
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2006–2007Search Committee, Co-Chair
Diversity Taskforce, Chair
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
Site Director for 2006 ACM Rocky Mountain Regional Programming Contest
2005–2006On Sabbatical
2004–2005Graduate Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2003–2004CSEL Study Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2002–2003Executive Committee
Faculty Advisor for ACM Student Chapter
2001–2002Executive Committee
Search Committee
Site Director for 2001 ACM Rocky Mountain Regional Programming Contest
2000–2001Search Committee
Participated in Graduate Student Recruiting Activities
Site Director for 2000 ACM Rocky Mountain Regional Programming Contest
1999–2000Search Committee
Judge for 1999 ACM Rocky Mountain Regional Programming Contest
1998–1999Graduate Committee
Search Committee