Goals & Methods

Long-term HTLP Goals:

  1. ³Ù´ÇÌýcreateÌývertical alignmentÌý(curricular alignment at the departmental level—see gold boxes):
  2. develop a set of student learning objectives (SLOs);
  3. develop effective teaching practices to support those SLOs; and
  4. use assessments that best measure student learning.
  5. ³Ù´ÇÌýreconfigure the major pathwayÌýby embedding the SLOs in the course sequence, with the express purpose of scaffolding SLO instruction across courses and in ascending levels of sophistication over several semesters of major coursework.

Goal 1: Creating Vertical Alignment in the Department


a) Develop department wide SLO's, or "What should a history major know and what should they be able to do after graduating from CU-Boulder?"

  • Identify and categorize discipline-specific SLOs as already taught in the department
  • Develop a common language to describe SLOs
  • Cleary communicate SLOs to CU-Boulder students
  • Clearly communicate the value of a hisotry major/historical literacy ³Ù´ÇÌýCU-Boulder students as well as to the public at large

b) Adopt, adjust, and develop effective teaching practices to help students meet these SLOs

c) Adopt, adjust, and develop assessments to gauge and measure student learning over the course of the semester