Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Laboratory

Department of Integrative Physiology
Boulder, CO 80309-0354
phone: 303-492-8154
fax: 303-492-0811
Research Interests
Our main focus is the neural mechanisms underlying stress-related physiology and emotional behavior with a focus on the role of serotonergic systems. Current projects address four main topics:
- Mechanisms of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-related neuropeptides underlying control of acute and chronic anxiety states
- Effects on serotonergic systems, physiology, and emotional behavior by
- glucocorticoid hormones
- thermal signals
- peripheral immune activation (with a focus on the microbiome-gut-brain axis)
- Director: Christopher A. Lowry, PhD
- Post-doctoral Fellow: Lamya'a M. Dawud, PhD
- Graduate Students: Tyler Akonom, Nathan Andersen, Luke Desmond, Andrew Kyo Lee, Lyanna Kessler, Saydie Sago, John Sterrett
- Professional Research Assistants: Brandon Marquart, Lucas McCurdy, Evan Holbrook, Aislinn Concha
- Undergraduate Research Assistants: Dennis Boateng, Sarina Borden, Matthew Alan Branney,ÌýZachary Alan Chafee, Aidan Clifton, Rachel Effron, Addie Horton,ÌýAmalia Luthens,ÌýJeffreyÌýMatney, Lucie Nguyen,ÌýSirisai Phanekham-Mouanghane, Isaiah Shurtleff, Joni Stuart, Rose Summers, Paola Ortiz Venzor, Nolan Watts,ÌýCaelan Wright, Richard Zabat,ÌýHaoting Zhang

From left to right, Back row: Kelsey Loupy, PhD; Kyo Lee; Evan Holbrook; Christopher Lowry, PhD (PI). 2nd row: Jessica Stewart; Brandon Marquart; Mathew Arnold, PhD; Ahmed Elsayed (Lab Manager); Drake Kienzle, BA. 3rd row: Madi Baca; Amalia Luthens; Stephanie Salazar; Sandra Appiah; Cristian Zambrano, PhD; Flux Caruso, PhD. Front row: Andrea Arnold; Christine Foxx, PhD; Saydie Sago, MS; Kourtney Creaney
Opportunities for Undergraduates
We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated undergraduate students who are interested in obtaining research experience. No prior laboratory research experience or coursework is required.ÌýFor more information, contact Prof. Christopher Lowry (
Recent Publications
For a completeÌýlist of publications,Ìý.
- Postolache TT, AkramÌýF, LeeÌýEE, ³¢´Ç·É°ù²âÌý°ä´¡, StillerÌýJW, Brenner LA, StreetenÌýEA, TureckiÌýG,ÌýDwivediÌýY. Increased brain vitamin D receptor expression and decreased expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide in individuals who died by suicide.Ìý´³Ìý±Ê²õ²â³¦³ó¾±²¹³Ù°ùÌý¸é±ð²õ.ÌýPMID: 32213352
- PostolacheÌýTT, WadhawanÌýA, CanÌýA, Lowry CA, WoodburyÌýM, MakkarÌýH, HoisingtonÌýAJ, ScottÌýAJ, PotockiÌýE, BenrosÌýME,ÌýStillerÌýJW.ÌýInflammation in Traumatic Brain Injury.ÌýJÌýAlzheimers Dis. PMID: 32176646Ìý
- BernabeÌýCS, CalimanÌýIF, TruittÌýWA, MoloshÌýAI, ³¢´Ç·É°ù²âÌý°ä´¡, Hay-SchmidtÌýA, ShekharÌýA,ÌýJohnsonÌýPL. Using loss- and gain-of-function approaches to target amygdala-projecting serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus that enhance anxiety-related and conditioned fear behaviors.ÌýJ Psychopharmacol.ÌýPMID: 32153226
- Hagerty SL, Hutchison KE, Lowry CA, Bryan AD. An empirically derived method for measuring human gut microbiome alpha diversity: Demonstrated utility in predicting health-related outcomes among a human clinical sample.ÌýPLoS One.ÌýPMID: 32119675
- BowersÌýSJ, VargasÌýF, GonzálezÌýA, HeÌýS, JiangÌýP, DorresteinÌýPC, KnightÌýR, Wright KPÌýJr, ³¢´Ç·É°ù²âÌý°ä´¡, FleshnerÌýM, VitaternaÌýMH,ÌýTurekÌýFW. Repeated sleep disruption in mice leads to persistent shifts in the fecal microbiome and metabolome.ÌýPloS One.ÌýPMID: 32078624
- AkramÌýF, GragnoliÌýC, Raheja UK, SnitkerÌýS, Lowry CA, Stearns-YoderÌýKA, HoisingtonÌýAJ, BrennerÌýLA, SaundersÌýE, StillerÌýJW, RyanÌýKA, RohanÌýKJ, MitchellÌýBD,ÌýPostolacheÌýTT. Seasonal affective disorder and seasonal changes in weight and sleep duration are inversely associated with plasma adiponectin levels.ÌýJÌýPsychiatr Res. PMID: 31981963
- Wadhawan A, Reynolds MA, Makkar H, Scott AJ, Potocki E, Hoisington AJ, Brenner LA, Dagdag A,ÌýLowry CA, Dwivedi Y, Postolache TT. Periodontal pathogens and neuropsychiatric health.ÌýCurr Top Med Chem.ÌýPMID: 31981963
- Amoroso M, Böttcher A,ÌýLowry CA, Langgartner D, Reber SO. SubcutaneousÌýMycobacterium vaccaeÌýpromotes resilience in a mouse model of chronic psychosocial stress when administered prior to or during psychosocial stress.ÌýBrain Behav Immun.ÌýPMID: 31887415
- Prescott SL, Hancock T, Bland J, van den BOsch M, Jansson JK, Johnson CC, Kondo M, Katz D, Kort R, Kozyrskyj A, Logan AC,ÌýLowry CA, Nanan R, Poland B, Robinson J, Schroeck N, Sinkkonen A, Springmann M, Wright RO, Wegienka G.ÌýInt J Environ Res Public Health. PMID: 31694316
- Akram F, Jennings TB, Stiller JW,ÌýLowry CA, Postolache TT. Mood Worsening on Days with High Pollen Counts is associated with a Summer Pattern of Seasonality.ÌýPteridines.ÌýPMID: 31631951
- Duffy AR, O'Connell JR, Pavlovich M, Ryan KA,ÌýLowry CA, Daue M, Raheja UK, Brenner LA, Markon AO, Punzalan CM, Dagdag A, Hill DE, Pollin TI, Seyfang A, Groer MW, Mitchell BD, Postolache TT.ÌýToxoplasma gondiiÌýSerointensity and Seropositivity: Heritability and Household-Related Associations in the Old Order Amish.ÌýInt J Environ Res Public Health.ÌýPMID: 31623376
- Arnold MR, Greenwood BN, McArthur JA, Clark PJ, Fleshner M,ÌýLowry CA. Effects of repeated voluntary or forced exercise on brainstem serotonergic systems in rats.ÌýBehav Brain Res.ÌýPMID: 31525404
- Flux MC,ÌýLowry CA.ÌýFinding intestinal fortitude: Integrating the microbiome into a holistic view of depression mechanisms, treatment, and resilience.ÌýNeurobiol Dis.ÌýPMID: 31454550
- Donner NC, Davies SM, Fitz SD, Kienzle DM, Shekhar A, Lowry CA. Crh receptor priming in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) induces tph2 gene expression in the dorsomedial dorsal raphe nucleus and chronic anxiety.ÌýProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.ÌýPMID: 31415826
- Lieb MW, Weidner M, Arnold MR, Loupy KM, Nguyen KT, Hassell JE Jr, Schnabel KS, Kern R, Day HEW, Lesch KP, Waider J,ÌýLowry CA. Effects of maternal separation on serotonergic systems in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei of adult male Tph2-deficient mice. Behav Brain Res.ÌýPMID: 31319134