Participate/Seek Funding

All interested faculty are welcome to join our team and we encourage you to contact Director Shideh Dashti for initial information and orientation.

Metrics for measuring success in the theme will be:

  • The number of publications, student degrees and interdisciplinary grants awarded
  • Domestic and international partnerships initiated
  • Reputation among peers, institutions, industry and agencies


There are currently three types available to our affiliates through seed grants:

  • Type 1: “Planning" seed grant with a maximum amount of $15k, to cover partial GRA (PhD student) support, faculty course buy-out, and/or travel/workshop costs in preparation for a medium- to large-scale grant application that fits within the themes and objectives of IRT-RISE.

  • Type 2: Equipment fund, with a maximum amount of $20k, to enhance/repair an existing equipment in the PI's lab or purchase a new addition, which would support the faculty in preparing medium- to large-scale grant applications in the themes supported by IRT-RISE.

  • Type 3: REU matching support with a maximum of $3k, to supplement undergraduate research support in the college of engineering with research themes supported by IRT-RISE.

All faculty within the college of engineering and applied science (CEAS), or faculty across the CU campus collaborating with CEAS researchers, are encouraged to submit a two-page “scope of work” document in addition to a 2-page CV per person for all principal investigators. The “scope of work” document should indicate whether you are applying for Type 1, 2, or 3 and detail how you are proposing to use the seed funds, the names and affiliations of your collaborators, how your proposed activities support and relate to the three themes of the IRT, funding opportunities that you plan to explore, and your proposed timeline for spending the grant. 

The applications for summer funding closes on March 15 at 5 p.m. mountain time.

  Apply for a seed grant