Advanced Oxidation

Research scope:
- The EPA’s Candidate Contaminant List (CCL 3) chemicals are being studied
- AOPs, ultraviolet light/hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2) and ozone/hydrogen peroxide (O3/H2O2) are being used
- Investigating the toxicity of AOP transformation products of organic contaminants using bioassays to measure for various endpoints of toxicity.
- Removal of transformation products by biofiltration investigated.
Funded by:
- Eawag Aquatic Resarch Institute
- City of Aurora
- Austa Parker
Research scope:
- Pilot scale system of UV/H2O2 reactor followed by biological aerated filter (BAF), at Boulder’s wastewater treatment plant
- Objective is to remove pharmaceuticals and their byproducts from wastewater effluent
Funded by:
- Dr. Diana Aga, University at Buffalo, New York;
- Dr. Nancy G. Love, University Michigan;
- The City of Boulder, Colorado;
- Trojan Technologies
- Yaal Lester
- Ian Morrissey