
Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine interviewed Lab Fellow Carey Stapleton about the Colorado Political Climate Survey and political polling:

Stapleton argues that transparency is key among polls and pollsters, citing the intersection of science and politics as an area that should be free from biases. He observes: “I tell my students all the time, ‘I don't care what you think in this class. I care that we do science in the appropriate way so that we can get to the reality, rather than what we want to be true.’”

Results from the 2018 Colorado Political Climate Survey were discussed in several media outlets:

The Congressional Biographies Project was discussed in theblog post from mySociety entitled

"Theresearch team, which included professors from the Libraries, Political Science and Information Science departments,planned to combine this biographical data with more common data in political science about voting and co-sponsorship, so that interesting questions could be asked, such as “Do Ivy League graduates form cliques?” or “Are medical doctors more likely to break with their party on votes concerning public health?”. Their hypothesis was that the biographical backgrounds of legislators could play an important role in legislative behaviours."

The CU Independent covered our event, "The 2016 Elections: What Just Happened?"

"On Thursday, March 2, students, faculty and community members heard from four perspectives on a panel named for the question many academics struggle to answer: 'The 2016 Election: What Just Happened?'

"On the Old Main Chapel stage, E. Scott Adler, director of the American Politics Research Lab and professor at CU Boulder, introduced the presentations by recalling how 'bewildered'he felt election night as the results came in, defying national polls."