Feedback Control

Book Cover


Feedback control of Dyanmic Systems by Franklin (8th Edition)

Topics Covered

(not restricted to this order but will following closely)

  1. Modelling
    1. Systems of Differential Equations
    2. Numerical Simulations via Simulink and Matlab
    3. Deriving Equations of Motion (EOM) for Mechanical Systems
    4. Deriving Equations of EOM for Electrical Systems
  2. Response
    1. Laplace Transform
    2. Transfer-Function
    3. Block-Diagrams
    4. Time-Domain Performance
    5. Stability
  3. Intro to Feedback
    1. Tracking/Rejection/Sensitivity
    2. Steady-State Error
    3. PID Control
  4. Root-Locus Design
    1. Sketching Rules
    2. Lead/Lag Compensators
    3. Notch Compensator
    4. PID
  5. Frequency-Domain Design
    1. Bode
    2. Nyquist
    3. Margins
    4. Close-Loop Performance
    5. PD/Lead/Lag
    6. Robustness
  6. Intro to State-Space

Grading Breakdowns

  1. Individual Work (100%)
  • Midterm Exam (35%) on March 6th from 7-9pm
  • Final Exam (40%)
  • Homework (25%)

Office Hours

Dr. Ruben: Mon 11:05 - noon in the Idea Forge Commons, Wed 1:15 - 2:15 in the ME Community Room, Thurs 6-7pm in the ME Community room.  (note that I have SysD OH on Thursday from 5-6pm and if you're hanging around and working in the Community room, I can probably answer your questions also.  With the understanding that during that hour, SysD student get priority.)

Jack: Tue 5:30 - 6:30pm in ECCE 1B16

Josh: Thurs 5-6pm in ECES 116


To access the following material, you must log in to Canvas:

  1. Homework Assignments
  2. Homework Solutions
  3. Exam Solutions



  1. Assignments must be neat, organized and legible.  Typed assignments are welcome.
  2. Put a box around all final answers.
  3. Show your work enough to fully demonstrate your understating and your arrival at your answer.


Questions about the material of the course is welcome and appreciated in lecture... please ask questions during lecture.  If you have HW specific questions, please see the TAs or myself during office hours.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please see me after class to chat in person.  I prefer in-person communication, over email, and your questions will be answered more quickly in this manner.  


  1. You only have TWO WEEKS to question grading from the time the homework\exam is returned.
    1. Specificially for exam grade questions, students must write up a detailed document (using Word or other word processing tool, not hand-written) describing the question, staple it to the original exam, and give it to the professor.
  2. This will be the final grading scale used for the course. There is no curve. You are not competing against classmates, so help them out if you can! I reserve the right to lower the scale (i.e., make it easier), but I will not raise it.
  • A: 90+
  • A-:87-89
  • B+:85-86
  • B : 83-84
  • B-:80-82
  • C+:77-79
  • C : 74-76
  • C-:70-73
  • D+:68-69
  • D : 63-67
  • D-:60-62
  • F : 59 or below

In-Class Expectations

The following expectations will assist us with the creation of a learning community and a high quality of educational experience. The will compliment these expectations:

  1. No cell phones (unless we are using them for some reason)
  2. No laptops (unless approved for taking notes or we are using them for some reason)

Academic Integrity

You are expected to abide by at all times.

Late Work

No late work will be accepted