
  • Career Advisor
  • MENV
Brian Kennedy
Office Hours

Monday - Thursday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm by Appointment

Brian Kennedy was an environmental consultant for 40 years. He retired in May of 2023. He has worked as a career advisor with the MENV program for three years. Brian was most recently an Associate Vice President and Senior Project Manager at AECOM where he worked for about 15 years.

Brian’s technical expertise is focused on environmental impact assessment, permitting, process management, and public engagement. Brian’s experience spans the planning, design, construction and operational phases of infrastructure, resource management and land development projects. Brian’s experience includes working with a wide range of public and private sector clients. Brian’s federal clients included: Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, National Park Service, Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense (Air Force, Army, Navy, National Guard, and US Army Corps of Engineers).

Brian has nationwide experience, and frequently worked with State Departments of Transportation, transit agencies, regional and local governments. His project experience included working with community and regional planners, engineers, scientists, architects, landscape architects, economists, lawyers, and specialists in the areas of climate change, resiliency, energy, environmental justice, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Brian’s diverse client and project experience, in depth interdisciplinary technical understandings and innovative contributions to public engagement and communications combine to offer clients timely, technically accurate and understandable communications, documentation and compliance processes. Brian holds a B.A. in Environmental Planning and Design from California State University, Chico.

Brian has been married for over 30 years, has three 20-something year old offspring, and enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities, photography and his dog Oakley.

Brian's Coaching Philosophy

Brian’s career advising approach is based on two core ideas:

  1. Career directions should be established through a combination of academic and self-directed exploration beginning as soon as possible, and should be supported by outreach to a carefully selected set of practitioners in a defined marketplace, and
  2. Every hiring decision is based on the employer's self-interest as expressed and matched by the job applicant.

Brian listens and seeks understanding before he has anything to say. Once he thinks he can envision a career direction and trajectory for an individual, he shares his ideas and supports individuals in an interactive discussion.