Inclusive & Safe Environment

The CU Mountain Reseach Station is committed to be an inclusive and safe learning environment for all.  We strive to offer an inclusive and harassment free environment.  Please support one another in this small mountain community that is created at the MRS. 

If you have any concerns or questions before or during your stay at the MRS about sleeping quarters/ changing of sleeping quarters / bath facilities / anything! please just ask us.  Please see the Station Manager or Director at the Marr Lab, contact, or call our main number, we are here to help.  If you experience any form of harrassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination please seek help via your support networks, MRS staff, and/or CU resources & reporting methods found in the policy links below.    

CU MRS Discrimination and Harrassment Policy  CU Boulder policy prohibits discrimination and harassment based on protected-class identity. Unfair treatment or intimidating behavior aimed at any member of the campus community based on an aspect of identity protected by CU Boulder policy is reportable to the university.  The Discrimination and Harassment Policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, patients, volunteers, affiliated entities, and other third parties. Subject to any rights of appeal, any person found responsible for engaging in protected-class discrimination or harassment, or related violations, as defined in this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment.  Under university policy, protected-class includes race, color, national origin, pregnancy, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and its expression, veteran status, and political affiliation/philosophy.

CU MRS Sexual Misconduct Policy  Access a printable PDF of the OIEC Options for Reporting, Assistance, and the University Resolution Process following an incident of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking.  Sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other gender-based or sex-based harassment occurring in the college setting implicates federal law including the Violence Against Women Act, and Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. These laws activate certain responsibilities on the part of educational institutions. OIEC administers these responsibilities for the CU campus.  Students also have the option to file a Title IX complaint with the .

REPORTING (anonymous option available)

Please visit the web site of CU Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) to report any cases of discrimination, harrassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and stalking.  OIEC implements and enforces three university policies for students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and affiliates: Discrimination and Harassment; Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking; and Conflict of Interest in Cases of Amorous Relationships.

What is harassment?

Harassment is defined as verbal, written, or physical conduct whether online or in-person related to one’s protected-class identity that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating or hostile work, educational or living environment.

Examples may include:

  • Identity-based jokes or comments that create a hostile environment
  • Being treated differently based on identity
  • Intimidating behaviors directed at someone based on identity


This PDF has multiple contacts for additional campus resources, including Ombuds Office, Office of Faculty Affairs, Office of Victim Assistance, Faculty & Staff Assistant Program, Office of Institutional Equity & Compliance, Student Support & Case Management, Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution, and Employee Relations.