Application Timeline

Graduate Program Application Timeline

Prospective students can use this timeline to help them prepare their application, submit on time, and better understand the review process.


Applications are generally due about nine months prior to the desired enrollment semester. Following the application deadline, applications are reviewed over the next 1-4 months. All students will be notified by April (fall applicants) or November (spring applicants - Professonal Master's only).

Fall 2023 (September - December)

Prepare your application. Gather all required materials and complete the . Make sure to submit by December 15, 2023. 

Once submitted, you can check the . Make sure all necessary items have been submitted (letters of recommendation, English proficiency exam scores, etc). The graduate admissions committee will not be able to review your application until all materials have been submitted, including the application fee.

Dec 15, 2023

All fall applications must be submitted by this date.

Dec 16, 2023 - early March 2024

Applications are reviewed by our faculty admissions committee. Prospective PhD students should expect to be informed of their application status by late January or early February. MS students should expect to hear back by late March. 

March 2024

PhD Visit day is held in March. Admitted PhD students will be invited to campus to meet with faculty and current students and learn more about the program. Details will be sent to admitted students about a month prior to the event.

April 15, 2024

Admitted PhD students must confirm their acceptance by this date.

April / May 2024

Admitted MS student virtual visit day. MS students should confirm their acceptance by late April or early May. Deadline information will be sent to students in the spring.