
Welcome to bands at the College of Music! The CU Boulder band program provides various performance opportunities for students, whatever their level or major field of study.
The CU Boulder Golden Buffalo Marching Band(GBMB) is recognized as one of the premier college marching bands in the United States. Comprising approximately 250 student musicians—music majors and non-majors alike—from across the country, the band remains an integral and exciting part of the tradition and spirit at the . The GBMB employs an extremely versatile marching style and consistently performs the latest in contemporary show design. The ensemble has appeared on national television many times and has performed in numerous NFL football games. The GBMB has further appeared at the Bowl, Alamo Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Aloha Bowl, Holiday Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Blockbuster Bowland Orange Bowl. While there is currently no audition requirement for the marching band wind sections, the drumline, colorguardand feature twirlers are selected by audition only.MORE
The CU Boulder Buff Basketball Band—an auditioned ensemble—is an organization of 95-100 musicians who perform for at-home basketball games in the Coors Event Center and travel to the PAC 12 Basketball Tournaments, NIT Tournaments and NCAA Tournaments. Additionally, to become a wind member of this group, you must be a current Golden Buffalo Marching Band member. Drumset and electric bass are open to all students on campus. Auditions are held every October.
The CU Boulder Wind Symphony comprises the College of Music’s most outstanding wind, brass and percussion students.Founded in 1978,the group is committed to performing the finest wind repertoire, regardless of era or ensemble size—ranging from recently performed works byIda Gotkovsky and the college’s own Carter Pann to additional diverse works byCarlos Simon,Omar Thomas,Joan Tower and Xi Wang. The Wind Symphony also values the importance of collaboration by working with various faculty and guestartists. Performances on campus and across Colorado, as well as at conferences and abroad, have earned the ensemble international acclaim.
CU Boulder Symphonic Band musicians are selected by audition from the finest performers on campus. Although most members are music majors, students studying in other fields often qualify for this ensemble. Since its formation over 50 years ago, the Symphonic Band has performed at major national conventions, including the Music Educators National Conference and the College Band Directors National Association. Concerts presented both in Colorado and out of state have won the acclaim of band directors and composers for the interpretive performance of outstanding works for the symphonic band medium.
The CU BoulderConcert and Campus Bands comprise both music majors and non-music majors. Exploring traditional and contemporary works for wind bands, the ensembles are known for their consistently high level of performance. Participating musicians are offered the opportunity to share in the excitement of the creative process as they broaden their musical experiences.
During the fall semester, the CU Boulder Concert Band is non-auditioned and open to all students with experience playing one of the standard wind band instruments (flute/piccolo, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, string bass, percussion). This group meets weekly on Mondayfrom 7-9:30 p.m.
Spring Semester Campus Band:
The spring semester Campus Band meets weekly on Mondays from 7-9:50 p.m. This group is non-auditioned and open to all students with experience playing one of the standard wind band instruments: flute/piccolo, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, string bass, percussion.
Spring Semester Concert Band:
The spring semester Concert Band meets weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 4:40-6:40 p.m.To participate in the spring semester Concert Band, please complete the required playing demonstration listed below and submitit viaby midnight on December 6th.To ensure a balanced musical ensemble experience, certain instrument sections may be capped as determined by the director based on the playing demonstration.
Students will be notified of their placement results on or by the final day of the fall semester. Accepted students will enroll in: “CU Boulder Concert Band” EMUS 1317/3317. Any changes to spring ensemble enrollment should be made immediately following the audition result notification. Students not placed in Concert Band are welcome and encouraged to register for “CU Boulder Campus Band” EMUS 1017/3017.
ʱܲDz:Please contact Interim Assistant Director of Bands Logan Sorey,
Wind instruments:For placement into CU Boulder Concert Band, please submit anunlistedYouTube link of yourself playingbothof the following:
- As many octaves as you can—concert b-flat major, e-flat major, a-flat major, a chromatic scale in eigth notes at 120 bpm, or as close to it as you are able.
- A 45-60 secondexcerpt of your choosing that demonstrates your playing ability (i.e., instrument-specific etudes, prior honor band audition materials, excerpts from prior band/orchestra music).
Top wind band performers in Colorado high schools and middle schools are invited to participatein the annual CU Boulder Honor Band.
Learn more about the CU Boulder High School Honor Band Festival
Learn more about the CU Boulder Middle School Honor Band Festival
Wind and orchestral conductors learn conducting technique, rehearsal strategies and more from College of Music conducting faculty and renowned guests.
Learn more about the CU Boulder Wind Band Conducting Symposium
Matthew Dockendorf
InterimDirector of Bands
Branden Steinmetz
Interim AssociateDirector of Bands
Director, CU Boulder Golden Buffalo Marching Band
Logan Sorey
Interim Assistant Director of Bands
CU Boulder bands and orchestras personnel also include Teaching Assistant Professor and Percussion Specialist for Large EnsemblesMike Tetreault, who coaches during student ensemble rehearsals. Few collegiate music programs have an educator of his expertise coaching large ensembles.