
This A to Z glossary contains common research administration terminology, including terms and phrases specific to CUBoulder and the University of Colorado system.

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1/6th RuleBoard of Regents Policy that permits faculty consulting work outside the University as long as it does not interfere with teaching and other University commitments, normally not more than 1/6 of their time during any academic period
1800 Grant StreetLocation in downtown Denver where University offices are located, ie, President's Office, Payroll and Employee Services, Office of University Controller, Office of Policy and Efficiency, Board of Regents, Internal Audit, University Systems Office, etc.
A-21Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-21 -- Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (superseded by CFR Title 2, Part 200)
A-110Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-110 -- Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations (superseded by CFR Title 2, Part 200)
A-122Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-122 -- Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations (superseded by CFR Title 2, Part 200)
A-133Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 -- Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations (superseded by CFR Title 2, Part 200 Sub part F, see “Single Audit” below)
AAALACAmerican Association of Animal Laboratory Accreditation Council
AAASAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science
AAMCAssociation of American Medical Colleges
AAUAssociation of American Universities
ABRFAssociation of Biomolecular Resource Facilities
ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer
Account Codea/c. A ChartField used to identify the nature and financial type of a financial transaction
ACM$National Science Foundation’s system for awardees to manage award payment and post-award financial processes
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990
AFAAAir Force Audit Agency
AFARSArmy Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AFOSRAir Force Office of Scientific Research
AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory
AHRQAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AllocableA cost is allocable to a particular award or other cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to that award or cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received. Able to assign assigning a cost, or a group of costs, to one or more cost objective(s), in reasonable proportion to the benefit provided or other equitable relationship.
AllowableA cost that is necessary, reasonable and allocable to sponsored agreements under the principles and methods provided for sponsored projects
ALNAssistance Listing Number – five-digit number assigned in the awarding document for all federal assistance award mechanisms, including federal grants and cooperative agreements (formerly CFDA)
AMCAnschutz Medical Campus
AmendmentSame as modification
ANPRMAdvance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
AORAuthorized Official Representative
APAccounts Payable
APLApplied Physics Laboratory
APPEAssociation of Practical & Professional Ethics
APSAdministrative Policy Statement -- policy statements issued by the System Office and are applicable to all University campuses
ARAccounts Receivable
ARLArmy Research Lab
AROArmy Research Office
ARDAAdvanced Research & Development Activity
ARPAAdvanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E, ARPA-H, DARPA)
ASAPDepartment of Treasury's Automated Standard Application for Payment system which allows web based funds withdrawal from grant accounts
ATPAdvanced Technology Program
At-Risk ExtensionA type of extension that may be requested during the life of an award when a PI anticipates a sponsor will provide official documentation of a new end date, with or without additional funding
AuditAn inspection of accounting records and procedures by a trained accountant for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and completeness of the records, and may also include examination of compliance with applicable terms, laws, and regulations
AwardFunds that have been obligated by a funding agency for a particular project; an award may have multiple project numbers
Award LifecycleAlso known as Lifecycle of an Award (LOA). This is the entire process of an award – starting from proposal development and ending with award closeout. There are two major stages: pre-award and post-award.
AWOF or AWFAgreement Without Funds -- a non-monetary service or research contract, under the authority of the Office of Contracts and Grants, between CU and another external entity or entities
AYAcademic Year
B2BBusiness to Business
BABusiness Analyst
BAABroad Agency Announcement
BLMBureau of Land Management
BPNBusiness Partner Network
BPOBlanket Purchase Order (replaced Standing Purchase Order [SPO] effective October 17, 2024) serves as the payment mechanism for a subagreement. See PSC web site for .
BudgetA detailed statement outlining estimated project costs to support work under a sponsored project
Budget DeviationSignificant change from the sponsor-approved budget which may or may not require OCG or CCO approval (contact your Grant Officer or Area Accountant)
Budget PeriodThe interval of time, typically twelve months, when the project period is divided for budgetary and funding purposes
Burn RateThe rate at which the budget is being spent
Capital ExpenditureExpenditure on an asset costing $5,000 or more that has a life of more than one year, used interchangeably with fixed asset or equipment. Individual sponsors may have different dollar limitations defining "capital equipment".
Carry Forward /
Carry Over
The process by which unobligated funds remaining at the end of a budget period may be carried forward (carried over) to another budget period. Some awards require sponsor approval for carry forwards.
CASFederally mandated Cost Accounting Standards intended to ensure uniformity in budgeting and spending funds
CAS 501Cost Accounting Standards 501 -- Consistency in estimating, accumulating and reporting costs by educational institutions
CAS 502Cost Accounting Standards 502 -- Consistency in allocating costs incurred for the same purpose by educational institutions
CAS 505Cost Accounting Standards 505 -- Unallowable costs must be identified and excluded from all claims for reimbursement
CAS 506Cost Accounting Standards 506 -- Institutions must consistently use the same cost accounting period for estimating, accumulating, and reporting costs
CAS Exceptions (3 criteria)Contracts & Subcontracts exempt from all CAS requirements are those whose work will be executed and performed entirely outside the United States, its territories, and its possessions
CASBCost Accounting Standards Board
CBDCommerce Business Daily
CBOCongressional Budget Office
CCHCommerce Clearing House
CCOCampus Controller's Office
CCRCentral Contractor Registration
CFDA#Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance – former unique number assigned to federal assistance programs (superseded by ALN in 2018)
CFOChief Financial Officer
CFRCode of Federal Regulations -- the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations (sometimes called administrative law) published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States
CFR Title 2, Part 200 (2 CFR 200)Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards -- supersedes OMB Circulars A-21, A-110 and A-133 and became effective for universities on 12/26/14
CFSCommittee on Fundamental Science
Chart of AccountsCOA -- a list of accounts in the general ledger that are systematically classified by title & number
CICACompetition in Contracting Act
CIWCentral Information Warehouse, Data tables from PeopleSoft Finance and HR modules maintained on-line and available for writing BrioQuery or Access reports.
Classified SalarySalaries of administrative and clerical staff that should normally be treated as F&A costs. Direct charging of these costs may be appropriate where a major project or activity explicitly budgets for administrative or clerical services, and individuals involved can be specifically identified with the project or activity. "Major project" is defined as a project requiring an extensive amount of administrative or clerical support, which is significantly greater than the routine level of such services provided by academic departments.
CLINContract Line Item Number
Close OutProcedures used after project termination to ensure all required paperwork, reports, and financial clean-up has occurred to submit required paperwork to sponsors and retire the project in PeopleSoft
CMIACash Management Improvement Act
CMMCCybersecurity Maturity Model Certification – DOD program to enforce protection of sensitive unclassified information that is shared by the Department with its contractors and subcontractors
CMPConflict Management Plan
CNOChief Naval Operations
COContracting Officer
Co-PI/Co-ICo-Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator
COGNOS Reporting ToolSystems tool used to generate m-fin financial reports from PeopleSoft
COGRCouncil on Government Relations
COIConflict of Interest
ConcurSystem operated and maintained by PSC that supports University travel (Concur Travel) and is the mechanism by which PCard transactions, employee reimbursements, and travel card expenditures are allocated to the appropriate SpeedType (Concur Expense)
Confidential Information (CU classification)Includes data elements usually not disclosed to the public but are less sensitive than highly confidential data. If a legally required and applicable Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request is submitted, these records may be released. See additional information regarding CU’s .
ConsistencyThe principle of applying same methodology to similar transactions, events, or circumstances
ContractA mechanism for procurement of a product or service with specific obligations for both sponsor and recipient. Typically, a research topic and the methods for conducting the research are specified in detail by the sponsor.
Cooperative AgreementAn award similar to a grant, but in which the sponsor's staff may be actively involved in proposal preparation and anticipate having substantial involvement in research activities once the award has been made
Corporate Travel CardVISA card used by employees for University-related travel expenses; it provides State travelers with insurance coverage, and is required for expenses related to the use and fueling of rental vehicles, lodging, airline tickets and other common carrier tickets (if not purchased through an approved travel agency), and international travel expenses.
COSCommittee on Science of the National Science and Technology Council
COSEPUPCommittee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy
Cost Accounting Standards(CAS) Federally mandated accounting standards intended to ensure uniformity in budgeting and spending funds
Cost PrinciplesThe treatment of costs in accordance with Uniform Guidance, campus and university policies and procedures. The specific cost can be charged to an award only if it is allowable, reasonable, and allocable.
Cost ShareCost Share or Matching is that portion of the costs of research, training, public service or equipment projects that the University or a third party pays for or documents as its portion of a project's costs
Cost Share: Statutory/MandatoryCost share commitments that are required by the agency for the award
Cost Share: Voluntary CommittedCost share commitments that are not required for the award but are voluntarily committed in the budget and/or in the project proposal
Cost Share: Voluntary UncommittedCost share commitments that are neither required for the award nor obligated in the project budget or proposal but represent University commitment actually spent on the project. This type of cost share does not need to be tracked, reported, or included in the F&A base.
Cost Share: In KindContributions or assistance in a form other than money-equipment, materials, or services of recognized value that are offered in lieu of cash.
Cost TransferA cost transfer involves the recording of an expense in a sponsored project SpeedType that had previously been charged elsewhere. Cost transfers should be considered “the exception, rather than the rule,” and must be kept to a minimum. They must be allowable, timely, reasonable, consistent, of benefit to the sponsored project that is the recipient of the cost, and adequately documented.
CORContract Officer’s Representative
CORAColorado Open Records Act
COTRContract Officer Technical Representative
CPARSContractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
CPFFCost Plus Fixed Fee
CPSRContractor Purchasing System Review
CR or Cost ReimbursableA funded agreement in which the sponsor reimburses the university after costs are incurred, invoiced and found allowable
CRADACooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRSCongressional Research Service
CSRCenter for Scientific Review
CTSAClinical & Translational Science Award
CU-DataThe official reporting system that contains m-Fin, eRA reports and other types of reports
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
DADepartmental Administrator -- the person in a department (center, institute, etc.) that is responsible for the day-to-day transaction processing of departmental financial events
DADepartment Administration Costs
DADepartment of the Army
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DCEDirect Cost Equivalent
DCAADefense Contract Audit Agency
DCASRsDefense Contract Administration Services Regions
DEARDepartment of Energy Acquisition Regulations
DFARSDepartment of Defense supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), applicable to DOD contracts and subcontracts, implements and supplements the FAR
DeliverableSpecific end product as a result of work performed on a sponsored project. Examples include a final technical report, an evaluation report, technical assistance, training, compiled database, etc., usually with specific deadlines.
DEPADisclosure of External Professional Activities -- the annual disclosure of information relevant to potential conflicts of interest and/or commitment
DepreciationAllocating the acquisition cost of a fixed asset over its estimated useful life rather than charging its full cost in the year it was acquired
DHEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
DHHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DIALOGA computer-based search system using key words
DIPECDefense Industrial Plant Equipment Council
Direct Cost (DC)Costs identified with the sponsored work that can be identified relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy. General categories of direct costs include but are not limited to salaries and wages, fringe benefits, research supplies, contractual services, travel and communication, equipment, and computer use.
DISDefense Investigative Service
DNADefense Nuclear Agency
DOCDepartment of Commerce
DODDepartment of Defense
DoD GARDepartment of Defense Grant and Agreement Regulations -- these regulations provide uniform policies and procedures for the award and administration of DoD Grants and Cooperative Agreements (see FAR for contract regulations)
DOEDepartment of Energy
DoEDDepartment of Education
DOIDepartment of the Interior
DOLDepartment of Labor
DonorAn external party that provides a gift or endowment to the university who has no expectation of anything in return
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DRADepartment Research Administrator
DS-2The Boulder Campus Disclosure Statement filed with and approved by our federal cognizant agency (Department of Health and Human Services). The DS-2 formally states our policy for direct charging expenses to sponsored projects.
DSMBData Safety Monitoring Board for human subjects research
DSMPData Safety Monitoring Plan for human subjects research
DUNSDun & Bradstreet Number (replaced by UEI in 2022)
EARExport Administration Regulations
EARSElectronic Approval and Routing Systems
ebXMLElectronic Business Extensible Markup Language
ECElectronic Commerce
EDAEconomic Development Administration
EDGAREducation Department General Administration Regulations
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
Effort ReportingReporting the amount of time spent by an employee on a particular activity during a certain period of time
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EHSEmployee Health Services
EH&SEnvironmental Health & Safety
EINEmployer Identification Number
EMTALAEmergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
EncumbranceCosts obligated for expenditure but not yet realized. May be created by PO, SPO, tuition or payroll subsystems.
EOExecutive Order
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
ESTTOOLEstimation Tool – internal budget form used to estimate project costs
ePERsElectronic Personnel Effort Reporting System -- paperless effort reporting forms completed & filed electronically
Equipment(Also called capital equipment or fixed assets) Tangible personal property with a life of more than one year and a cost of $5,000 or more.
ERAEconomic Regulatory Administration
ERAElectronic Research Administration
ESCROEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight
ESSCBEmpire State Stem Cell Board
ETAEmployment and Training Administration
EVSEquipment Visibility System
Exchange-like TransactionTransaction in which there is an identifiable exchange between the University and a sponsoring agent but the exchange may not be quite equal, or the direct benefits of the exchange may not be exclusively for the parties
Expanded AuthorityThe authority granted to CU that waives the prior approval requirements by a sponsoring agency. Expanded authority is used only for changes that are necessary for the completion of the project within its original scope and original total budget.
F&A (also IDC)Indirect Costs, also known as overhead or facilities and administration costs (F&A) -- Indirect (F&A) Costs: defines indirect (F&A) costs as “those costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefitting more than one cost objective, and not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefitted, without effort disproportionate to the results achieved.” IDC or F&A are real costs to CU Boulder that are not readily or easily assignable to a specific funded project. Indirect costs help promote organized research at CU Boulder by providing funds for research-related expenses such as heat, light, water, electricity and custodial services in offices and laboratory spaces; occupational safety and hazardous waste removal; telecommunications; computers and internet access; and many other support services.
F&A RateA rate (in form of a percentage) that UCB charges to a sponsored project for the use of institution facilities and administration. This rate is negotiated every 3-4 years.
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FabricationCreated component parts that work together to make a product or structure
FAPIISFederal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System
FARFederal Acquisition Regulations -- the primary regulation for use by all Federal Executive agencies in their acquisition of supplies and services with appropriated funds (federal contracts are often subject to the FAR)
FARSFinancial Accounting and Reporting System
FASAFederal Acquisition Streamlining Act
FASABFederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FASEBFederation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
FastLaneFastLane is an interactive real-time system used to conduct NSF business over the Internet. Much of the system functionality has been transferred into
FBOFederal Business Opportunities
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCSTFederal Council for Science and Technology
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FDP IFlorida Demonstration Project Phase 1
FDP IIFederal Demonstration Project Phase 2
FDP III & IVFederal Demonstration Partnership Phase 3 and 4
FEAFederal Enterprise Architectures
FECAIFederal Electronic Commerce Acquisition Instructions
Federal Cognizant AgencyThe federal agency to which we are assigned for purposes of certain administration functions such as F&A rate negotiation and audit resolution
Federal FlowthroughA non-Federal entity that provides a Federal award to a subrecipient or subaward to carry out a Federal program
FEDIXAn online federal data base serving most federal agencies for online searches
FellowshipFellowships are funding to support the educational experience of the recipient and are not considered compensation for performance. The purpose of fellowships are to enhance academic experience or career growth and may be for research or non-research activities. Fellows are not considered to have an employee-employer relationship with the university.
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency
FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FFATAFederal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or "Transparency Act" -- The FFATA Subaward Reporting System tool is used by Federal prime awardees (i.e. prime contractors and prime grants recipients) to capture and report subaward and executive compensation data regarding their first-tier subawards
FFMIAFederal Financial Management Improvement Act
FFRFederal Financial Report
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FICCFederal Interagency Coordinating Council
FileMakerOCG database that supplies proposal and award information on proposals and awards. This system is no longer used for this purpose and was replaced by InfoEd in 2015.
FIMAFinancial Management System
FIPSEFund for Improvement of Post Secondary Education
FISAPFiscal Operations Report & Application to Participate
Fiscal Manager(Formerly known as Key Contact) Departmental Administrator who receives monthly project financial reports and is responsible for managing its financials
FISMAFederal Information Security Management Act
Fixed AssetExpenditure on an asset costing $5,000 or more that has a life of more than one year, used interchangeably with capital equipment or equipment
FP or Fixed PriceA funded agreementin which payment will be made upon a set dollar amount, regardless of how much is expended to complete the agreed upon performance
Fly America ActThis requires Federal employees and their dependents, consultants, contractors, grantees, and others performing United States Government financed foreign air travel to travel by U.S. flag air carriers
FMCFederal Management Circular
FNForeign National
FOAFunding Opportunity Announcement
FOBFree On Board
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FPSFinancial Procedure Statement, which provides procedural guidance for University financial activity
FRFederal Register
Fringe BenefitsEmployee benefits paid by the employer (e.g., FICA, Worker's Compensation, Withholding Tax, Insurance, etc.)
FS&TFederal Science and Technology Budget
FTCFederal Telecommunications System
FTEFull Time Equivalent
FundingFinancial resources provided to sponsored projects.
Funding: IncrementalA method of funding contracts that provides specific spending limits below the total estimated funding. These limits may be exceeded only at the contractor's own risk. Each increment is, in essence, a funding action.
Funding: ModularSpecific to NIH R01, R03, R15, & R21 awards that have direct cost budgets of $250K or less that require no budget detail with the proposal submission. Payments are made in $25K increments.
Funding: AdvanceFunding paid to the University by the sponsor at the beginning of the project. The terms of this type of payment usually require returning any unused funds to the sponsor at the completion of the project.
Funding: Fixed price (FP)A contract/grant for which one party pays the other party a predetermined price, regardless of actual costs, for services rendered
Funding: Cost reimbursable (CR)A contract/grant for which the sponsor pays for costs incurred in the conduct of the work on a defined cadence up to an agreed-upon amount
Funding: SupplementAdditional funding to a current funded award to add a closely related component to the ongoing award that is within the scope of the approved award
Funding SourceFunding received by several types of sponsors: Federal, State of Colorado, Industry, Foundations, Non-profits, Foreign entities, and other universities
FWAFederal Wide Assurance
FYFiscal Year
G5U.S. Department of Education grants management system
GAGeneral Administration (Costs)
GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAIRGeneral Administrative and Infrastructure Recharge is a combination of the General Administrative Recharge (GAR) and the General Infrastructure Recharge (GIR). The two have their own rates and are calculated separately in the Finance System, but are often referred to together as GAIR.
GAOGeneral Accounting Office
GARGeneral Administrative Recharge -- a percentage rate charged to auxiliary and self-funded funds (20, 26, 28, and 29) and their renewal and replacement plant fund (78) and to agency funds (80) calculated monthly on expenditures.
GASBGovernmental Accounting Standards Board
GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Purpose EquipmentEquipment which is not limited to research, medical, scientific, or other technical activities. Examples include office equipment and furnishings, modular offices, telephone networks, information technology equipment and systems, air conditioning equipment.
GIRGeneral Infrastructure Recharge -- a percentage rate charged to auxiliary and self-funded funds (20, 26, 28, and 29) and their renewal and replacement plant fund (78) calculated monthly on expenditures.
GLGeneral Ledger -- that part of PeopleSoft Finance that contains the accounting records of all financial data for the University that are used to generate the official financial reports of the University.
GMOGrants Management Office
GMRAGovernment Management Reform Act
GPOGovernment Printing Office
GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act
GRAGraduate Research Assistant
GSAGeneral Services Administration
GrantA grant is a legal instrument of financial assistance used to transfer money, property, or anything of value to a recipient in order to accomplish a particular purpose, without substantial involvement from the sponsor, in the direction of the project.
Grant Officer (GO) /Contract Officer (CO) (OCG)OCG staff member responsible for reviewing and negotiating contract terms, administering the award, and liaising with sponsor representatives during a project's period of performance.
Grant/Contract Officer (Sponsor)A sponsor's designated individual who is officially responsible for the business management aspects of a particular grant, cooperative agreement, or contract. Serving as the counterpart to the business officer of the grantee/contractor organization, the grant/contract officer is responsible for all business management matters associated with the review, negotiation, award, and administration of a grant or contract and interprets the associated administration policies regulations, and provisions.
Grants.govPortal used to submit proposals for many federal awards, which are then distributed to each appropriate agency. Electronic proposal submission required from Feb 1, 2007 onwards.
GUIRRGovernment-University-Industry Research Roundtable
HBCUHistorically Black College and University
HCFAHealth Care Financing Administration
HCMHuman Capital Management -- this is the PeopleSoft human resources module that stores all personnel data and handles payroll and personnel actions.
HEGISHigher Education General Information Survey
HHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
Highly Confidential (CU definition)Includes data elements that require protection under laws, regulations, contracts, relevant legal agreements and/or require the university to provide notification of unauthorized disclosure/security incidents to affected individuals, government agencies or media. See additional information regarding CU’s .
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
HRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration
HSARPAHomeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
HSCCU Denver's Health Sciences Center
HUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
IAAInteragency Agreement
IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IAEGCInteragency Electronic Grants Committee
IBCInstitutional Biosafety Committee
ICCInterstate Commerce Commission
ICRIndirect Cost Recovery (or Revenue) -- F&A expenses charged to projects generate F&A revenue (recovery) that are booked to the general fund. This helps offset project expenses so a portion of ICR is then reallocated back to departments that generated this revenue and is transferred to a departmental ICR SpeedType.
IDCSee “F&A” above
IDEAInclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access or, for the U.S. Department of Education, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDIQIndefinite duration indefinite quantity
IFBInvitation for Bid -- a solicitation issued to prospective bidders. An IFB describes what is required and how the bidders will be evaluated. Award is based on the lowest bid. Negotiations are not conducted.
IFRIndustry and Foundation Relations
IGInspector General
INInterdepartmental Invoice -- issued when one service department performs work or provides supplies for another University department
IMSThe Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) is a time-based schedule containing the networked, detailed tasks necessary to ensure successful program/contract execution that traces to the Integrated Master Plan (IMP), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Statement of Work (SOW), Contractor Performance Report (CPR), and Earn Value Management system (EVMS).
IMURAInter Mountain University Research Administrators
Indirect CostSee “F&A” above
infoEdThe system of record for proposal and award management. Also known as eRA or electronic research administration system.
Interest AccountAn account (SpeedType) separately created for earned interest from non-federal sponsored awards, most common with awards from foundations. This type of account is specifically stated in the award terms and conditions.
Internal ControlsMechanisms, rules and procedures that ensure the university financial, monitoring and compliance activities are accurate
IPIntellectual Property
IPAInteragency Personnel Agreement
IPASSInteragency Panel on Advanced Science & Security
IPRIntellectual Property Rights
IRBInstitutional Review Board (for human subjects research)

An online search system for research opportunities developed by the University of Illinois.

Also the acronym for International Resource Information System, an electronic grants portal maintained by the U.S. Department of Education for programs funded by Title VI of the Higher Education Act and the Fulbright-Hays Act.

ISCInternal Services Centeris a University center that provides goods and services to other University units, resulting in these units being charged an expense within their SpeedType
ISO/IECInternational Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission
ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITMRAInformation Technology Management Reform Act
ITSOInformation Technology Security Office at CU Boulder
IUCRCIndustry–University Cooperative Research Center
JAGJudge Advocate General
JEJournal Entry (aka Cost Transfer)
JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory
Key ContactNow known as Fiscal Manager.
LoBLine of Business
LOBDLevel of Budget Detail
LOCFor CCO-RFS, LOC refers to Letter of Credit (see Payment: LOC), but means Limitation of Cost for OCG. Limitation of Cost is a mandatory clause for cost-reimbursement type contracts. Under the clause, the sponsor is not obligated to reimburse the contractor for costs in excess of the stated amount. The contractor, however, is not obligated to continue performance once expenses reach the stated amount.
Loggers (OCG)OCG member who monitors the inbox and receives award documents and assigns action to appropriate OCG Grant or Contract Officer within infoEd.
LSALabor Surplus Area
M&OMaintenance and Operations or Management and Operations Contractors
m-fin reportsOn-demand reports delivered via the Cognos Reporting System
MarketplaceCU Marketplace is the University’s electronic procurement system that creates and approves purchase requisitions, places purchase orders, receives goods and services, and processes invoices through the internet. This system is maintained by an outside vendor.
MatchingSee “Cost Share” above
Matching GrantsMatching grants are conditional awards that require the recipient to contribute a specified portion of the cost of a supported item of equipment or project be obtained from other sources. The matched amount is considered by CU Boulder to be cost share (see “Cost Share” above).
MBDAMinority Business Development Agency
MBEMinority Business Enterprise
MECAMidwest Conference on College Cost Accounting
Milestone (PeopleSoft)PeopleSoft attribute that represents a report or invoice that is due and what date the report or invoice is due. An award may have multiple milestones.
Milestone (Project)Milestones are markers on the project timeline to identify the important events, activities, or tasks.
ModificationAn award document that modifies, changes, or revises any contractual aspect of an existing award
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MRAMaster Research Agreement
MSKCCMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
MTAMaterial Transfer Agreement
MTCModified Total Costs
MTDCModified Total Direct Costs -- F&A classification that exempts certain cost categories from F&A expense, such as tuition remission, fixed assets, student aid, and subagreement fees greater than 25,000
NACCANational Conference on College Cost Accounting
NACUBONational Association of College & University Business Officers
NASNational Academy of Sciences
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASULGCNational Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
NCCNational Coordinating Committee
NCENo-Cost Extension -- a modification to an award that extends the end date without additional funding to allow for more time to complete the programmatic scope of work.
NCINational Cancer Institute
NCRRNational Center for Research Resources
NCSTNational Council of Science and Technology
NCURANational Council of University Research Administrators
NDAAllows one party to share confidential information with the other party specifying how the receiving party/parties will protect and use the confidential information. NDAs aresometimes referred to as nondisclosure, proprietary information, or secrecyagreements, emphasizing the recipient's handling of the confidential information.
NEANational Endowment for the Arts
NECANortheast Conference on College Cost Accounting
NEHNational Endowment for the Humanities
NFSNASA FAR Supplement, applicable to NASA contracts and subcontracts, implements and supplements the FAR
NGANotice of Grant Award
NIAIDNational Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
NICRANegotiated indirect cost rate agreement -- Indirect costs are negotiated with the federal government regularly, in accordance with guidelines set forth in Appendix III to 2 CFR 200
NIENational Institute of Education
NIEHSNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NIJNational Institute of Justice
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NLRBNational Labor Relations Board
NOANotice of Award
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Nonexchange TransactionTransaction in which a sponsoring agent gives value to the University without directly receiving a benefit in exchange
NPRNational Performance Review
NPRMNotice of Proposed Rulemaking
NPSNational Park Service
NRCNational Research Council
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NRLNaval Research Laboratory
NSANational Security Agency
NSABBNational Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
NSBNational Science Board
NSCNational Security Council
NSDDNational Security Decision Directive 189 (issued 1985)
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSF/STISAn online search system of the National Science Foundation
NSINational Security Initiative at CU Boulder
NSPNot Separately Priced
NSTCNational Science Technology Council
NTISNational Technical Information Service
NTSBNational Transportation Safety Board
NYSCFNew York Stem Cell Foundation
NYSTEMNew York State Stem Cell Science
OBBROffice of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (NCI)
OCGOffice of Contracts & Grants
OCROffice of Civil Rights
OCROffice of Clinical Research (at MSKCC)
OECOffice of Export Control at CU Boulder
OEDITColorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade
OESOffice of Employment Security
OETOffice of Employment Training
OFACOffice of Foreign Assets Control
OFCCOffice of Federal Contract Compliance
OFFMOffice of Federal Financial Management
OFMOffice of Financial Management
OFROffice of Federal Register
OHRPOffice of Human Research Protection
OIAOffice of Industrial Affairs
OIECOffice of Institutional Equity and Compliance at CU Boulder
OIGOffice of Inspector General
OIRAOffice of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OMB)
OISOffice of Information Security
OLAWOffice of Laboratory Animal Welfare
OLTOver the Limit (cumulative expenditures posted are greater than the approved budget)
O&MOperations and Maintenance Costs
OMBOffice of Management & Budget -- the federal office that establishes the principles for determining costs applicable to grants, contracts, and other government agreements
ONROffice of Naval Research
OPASOrganizational Prior Approval System -- OPAS is designed to be a PRIOR approval system for budget deviations and other project changes that require OCG approval
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
OPERAOffice of Policy for Extramural Research Administration
OPRROffice of Protection from Research Risks
ORAOffice of Research Administration
Order of PrecedenceHierarchy of the many rules and regulations that must be followed throughout the life of an award with the most restrictive policies being the institutional policies
ORIOffice of Research Integrity
OSEPOffice of Special Education Programs
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSPOffice of Sponsored Projects
OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy
OTOffice of Transportation
OTAOther Transaction Agreement/Authority is a legal contract with the federal government that is not a grant, cooperative agreement, or a federal contract governed by FAR.
OTTOffice of Technology Transfer (NIH)
OUCOffice of University Council
PAPPGProposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide – NSF’s guide comprised of documents relating to the Foundation’s proposal and award process for the assistance programs of NSF, updated annually
Participant Support CostsDirect costs to support participants (non-employee of CU) in connection with conferences or training projects. Costs such as stipends, subsistence allowances, travel and registration fees. Most common with NSF grants; criteria for defining “Participant” for this purpose can vary by sponsor, but most follow NSF’s rubric.
Pass-through entity (PTE)A non-Federal entity that receives a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement directly from a Federal awarding agency and passes funding to a subrecipient to carry out a portion of the research or substantive effort of the prime award.
PaymentRemuneration per the terms of the award
Payment: LOCCash requests are made through a Letter of Credit draw process for Federal awards
Payment: InvoiceInvoices are mailed according to the requirements of the sponsor, or draws are made via agency web sites
Payment: Auto PayAgency sends check or makes electronic funds transfer (EFT) to cover the award amount; agency may or may not require an invoice or a final report of expenditures
PCARDCU Purchasing Card -- a VISA, issued to a specific individual, used by authorized University staff, faculty, and students, and by designated affiliate fiscal staff to purchase small-dollar items (maximum of $5,000) for university use (previously known as the A-Card)
PCASTPresident's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
PCCPolicy Coordination Council
PCOProcuring Contracting Officer
PDFPortable Document Format
PendingThis term has a number of meanings & uses in OCG
PeopleSoftCU’s official finance system used to record many of the financial transactions
Period of PerformanceThe time period during which the proposed work will be completed, and the funds awarded are available for expenditure by the recipient
PETPayroll Expense Transfer -- transaction in PeopleSoft to move payroll charges to another SpeedType; the PET process automatically moves the benefits associated with the earnings that are being moved
PET: PETCCorrection Payroll Expense Transfer -- this is used to correct a single pay period using Employee ID and Pay Period/Pay Check. A PETC is used to correct a time entry override SpeedType/account code error
PET: PETPePER Payroll Expense Transfer -- a PET automatically generated by the PeopleSoft financial system when a variance has been created by a certified, submitted ePER
PET: PETRRetroactive Funding Change -- this can correct multiple pay periods using specific Begin/End Date by position number. It can also extend into the future. A PETR is used to modify a normal Time Collection transaction.
PETAPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PHIProtected Health Information
PHSPublic Health Service
PIPrincipal Investigator, now known as Principal or Fiscal Principal
PIEPooled Investment Earnings -- used when interest is to be earned on advance payments. This is usually for federal awards, but can also apply to select non-federal awards and to all University SpeedType in funds 2x, 7x and 80.
PIGABSPrincipal Investigator Grant Administration Burden Survey (done by FDP)
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
PMProject Manager or Program Manager
PMOProgram Management Office within OCG
PMS/DPMPayment Management System/Division of Payment Management -- HHS web based payment system, aka SmartLink, Electronic 272
POPurchase Order (see Procurement web site for directions on requesting an PO via Marketplace)
POAPhysician Office Assistant
POPPeriod of Performance, also known as PP or Project Period
Post-AwardThat part of OCG that processes, negotiates, and manages grants & contracts. Post-award can also refer to financial management activities of sponsored projects within CCO.
PPSProcurement Service Center Procedural Statements -- guidelines for utilizing PSC tools and for navigating through PSC procedures
PRDPresidential Review Directive
Pre-AwardThat part of OCG that processes and submits proposals, makes determinations on activity and Indirect Cost types, checks pre-submission compliance and certification requirements, and provides pre-selection information to sponsors prior to award.
Pre-award AuthorizationWhen expenditures can be incurred on a project during the period of 90 days prior to the effective date (start date) of the award
Pre-award Spending AccountEstablishes sponsored project account for contracts and grants without expanded authority so that work can begin or continue prior to receipt of official award documents. Department must sign a departmental guarantee form and the project must cover work within the anticipated period of performance.
Pre-proposalInformation requested by a sponsor to help them decide which projects they would like to fund and/or for a sponsor to gain an idea of how many full proposals to expect. Traditionally these do not require submission by an AOR. Sometimes called white paper, letter proposal, letter of intent, preliminary proposal, pre-application, abstract, or concept paper.
PRIM&RPublic Responsibility in Medicine & Research
Prime AwardThe originating funding source from the prime sponsor, a part of which may be awarded to a subrecipient via a subagreement.
Prime AwardeeThe organization to which an award or contract is issued by a sponsor.
PrincipalAlso known as Fiscal Principal, may be referred to as PI or Principal Investigator
PROGPeer Review Oversight Group
Program (General)Group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.
Program (PeopleSoft)Identifies a specific activity within an organization in the Finance System. Programs are used in funds 10, 11, 20, 28, 29, 34, 72, 73, 74, 78, 80, 99. Budget, revenue, expenses and transfers are tracked for a fiscal year.
Program IncomeRevenue that is derived directly from the program itself and helps to reduce the net cost of the funding from general revenues. Treatment of program income generated by federally sponsored awards is addressed in 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance.
Program ManagementApplication of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet program objectives.
Program/Project OfficerA sponsor's designated individual officially responsible for the technical, scientific, or programmatic aspects of a particular grant, cooperative agreement, or contract. Serving as the counterpart to the principal investigator/project director of the grantee/contractor organization, the program/project officer deals with the grantee/contractor organization staff to assure programmatic progress.
ProjectSame as "Sponsored Project"
Project ManagementThe process of managing specific sponsored projects, which are temporary and unique endeavors, through use of specific knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques on project activities to meet sponsored project requirements.
Project periodThe period established in the award document of when the sponsorship begins and ends. The project period may consist of one or more budget periods.
Project StatusStatus of a project at a specific period of time. The status of a project could be of the following: S-Pre-Award, O-Open, E-Ended, R-Reporting, C-Closed or H-Hold.
ProjectionsAn estimate of future spending on a project
PropertyTangible personal property which is not permanently fastened to a building and does not lose its identity; the terms "equipment" and "property" are used interchangeably
Proposal Analyst (PA) (OCG)OCG staff member responsible for reviewing and submitting Proposals as the AOR
ProposalAn application for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization in the name of a principal investigator or project director.
Proposal: NewProposals that are submitted for the first time or ongoing projects that must recompete for funding prior to expiration of the original award
Proposal: ContinuationApplicable to grants and cooperative agreements only. This is for projects approved for multiple-year funding, although funds are typically committed only one year at a time. At the end of the initial budget period, progress on the project is assessed. If satisfactory, an award is made for the next budget period, subject to the availability of funds. Continuation projects do not compete with new project proposals and are not subjected to peer review beyond the initial project approval.
Proposal: RenewalApplicable to grants and cooperative agreements only. A competitively reviewed proposal requesting additional funds extending the scope of work beyond the current project period.
Proposal: SupplementRequest to the sponsor for additional funds for an ongoing project during the previously approved performance period. Supplemental proposals may result from increased costs, modifications in design, or a desire to add closely related components to the ongoing project.
PRPPeer Resource Professional -- current team member assigned to assist a new employee when they have general questions and/or to help familiarize them with office logistics and procedures
PSCProcurement Services Center -- the office responsible for travel, general purchases, PCard and travel cards, and accounts payable
PSRProposal Submission Request – form required for every sponsored project that includes project details and assurances certified by the PI
PTEPass Through Entity
PTOPatent and Trademark Office
Public Information (CU definition)Includes any data on university websites to which the data trustee allows access without authentication and data made freely available through university print material. See additional information regarding CU’s .
QAQuality Assurance
RAResearch Assistant (graduate student), or Research Administration
R&RResearch and Related
RACRecombinant DNA Committee
RARCResearch Animal Resource Center
RBMResearch Business Models
RCRResponsible Conduct of Research (similar to RECR)
RCRECResponsible Conduct of Research Education Committee
RDCResearch Data Assistant
RDNARecombinant DNA Research
RDMSRelational Database Management System
ReasonableCosts that do not exceed what a “prudent person” would incur at the time of incurring the cost
ReconciliationAccounting procedure that compares two sets of records to check that the expenditures are correct and in agreement, and resolving any discrepancies discovered
Records RetentionRetaining research documents designed to meet the requirements of an award’s sponsoring agency and university guidelines
RECRResponsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (similar to RCR)
RevenueFunds received from an outside source in exchange for providing goods or services
RFARequest for Applications -- announcements that indicate the availability of funds for a topic of specific interest to a sponsor
RFIRequest for Information
RFPRequest for Proposal -- announcements that specify a topic of research, methods to be used, product to be delivered, and appropriate applicants sought
RFQRequest for Quotation
RFSResearch Financial Services (formerly SPA)
RIOResearch Integrity Officer
RISQReporting to Improve Safety & Quality
ROIReturn on Investment
ROMRough Order of Magnitude is a general estimate of a project’s costs and effort
RoutingThe sequential movement of an award through OCG and CCO-RFS
Route as a Proposal (RASP)An award is received for which proposal documents were not facilitatedthrough OCG.RASPs require a completed internal proposal prior to award review, acceptance, and financial setup.
RPCResearch Project Coordinator
RSAResearch Study Assistant
RSO (College)Research Support Office
RTMResearch and Technology Management
RURockefeller University
SASession Assistant
S&WSalaries and Wages
S&W + BSalaries and Wages plus Benefits
S2SSystem to System
SAMHSASubstance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
SBASmall Business Administration
SBUSensitive But Unclassified
SBIRSmall Business Innovation Research
SCCStarr Cancer Consortium
SECASoutheast Conference on College Cost Accounting
Senior/Key PersonnelDesignation of senior/key personnel roles is determined by the Principal Investigator based on sponsor definitions of roles and responsibilities and the level of involvement with the activity by project individuals. Many sponsors consider senior/key personnel as those who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific or creative development or execution of a project, whether or not their salaries are paid for by a project. Senior/Key Personnel typically possess expertise or responsibilities that are indispensable to the project's success and may include principal investigators, co-principal investigators, co-investigators, project managers, lead researchers, and other key contributors whose involvement is crucial for achieving the project's objectives, meeting sponsor requirements, and ensuring integrity and compliance. Senior/Key personnel are typically identified in sponsored project proposals and awards and are expected to devote a significant portion of their time and effort to the project to ensure its effective implementation and outcomes.
Sensitive ExpensesA-Typical costs posted to a project that may potentially be unallowable based on policy or guidelines of an organization (e.g. alcohol)
SEOGSupplemental Education Opportunity Grants
Service AgreementA legally binding contract used for the sale of a good or service (fee for service) from CU Boulder to an external entity
SEVISStudent and Exchange Visitor Information System (INS for tracking foreign students)
Single AuditA non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR 200.514 (2 CFR 200 Subpart F Audit Requirements, formerly referred to as Circular A-133)
SFStandard Form
SKISloan-Kettering Institute
SNAPStreamline Non-Competing Application Process
SOWStatement of Work or Scope of Work -- submitted as part of the proposal to the sponsor which becomes part of the award. It defines the work that will be completed by the award and how it will be done.
Special Purpose EquipmentEquipment which is used only for research, medical, scientific, or other technical activities. Examples include microscopes, x-ray machines, and spectrometers.
SpeedType (ST)A unique eight-digit number assigned by the PeopleSoft Finance System to each project number that includes the campus code, the fund code (30 or 31), and the number assigned to the project. A subclass is assigned its own unique SpeedType.
SPINAn online search system for research opportunities developed by the University of New York (SUNY) System
SPOStanding Purchase Order (replaced by Blanket Purchase Order [BPO] effective October 17, 2024) serves as the payment mechanism for a subagreement. See PSC website for .
Sponsored ProjectA financial award from an external source (sponsor) that is governed by specific terms & conditions established in a written agreement between the sponsor and the University of Colorado for the purpose of research, training, fellowships, purchase of specialized research equipment, or clinical trials.
SRASociety of Research Administrators
SROSponsored Research Office
STEPScience, Technology, and Economic Policy Board
STPScience and Technology Policy
StipendRefers to type of payment to be received by awardees. Sponsors often use this term loosely to mean any type of payment to individual recipient but UCB restricts this payment type to those individuals from whom no effort will be supplied to the University or to a sponsored project. See the document entitled, "Charging Stipends on Sponsored Projects" on the CCO website for detailed description of what constitutes positions that do not require effort and would therefore receive a stipend instead of a salary.
STTRSmall Business Technology Transfer Program
SubagreementLegally enforceable agreement between our institution and an external entity (subrecipient) that includes the applicable terms and conditions and the scope of work the subrecipient is expected to perform. A sub-agreement may also be called a subaward or subcontract.
SubcontractA document written under the authority of, and consistent with the terms and conditions of, a contract that transfers a portion of the research or substantive effort of the prime award to another institution or organization
SubawardA document written under the authority of, and consistent with the terms and conditions of, a grant or cooperative agreement governed by 2 CFR 200 that transfers a portion of the research or substantive effort of the prime award to another institution or organization
SubrecipientThe legal entity to which a subaward/subcontract is made and is accountable to the University (prime awardee) for the use of the funds provided in carrying out a portion of the University's scope of work under a sponsored project.
T&ATime and Attendance
T&CTerms and Conditions
T&MTime and Materials
TBSRTotal Business Systems Review
TCNTri-Institutional Collaboration Network
TDCTotal Direct Costs - F&A classification in which all cost categories are charged F&A expense, including tuition remission, fixed assets, student aid, and all subcontract fees
Tests of ProprietyTest questions to evaluate the appropriateness of an expenditure (refer to APS #4015)
Third Party Cash Cost Share (3PCCS)Cash dollars that are given to CU from an outside entity in support of a designated main award, and are therefore considered to be Cost Share.
Total Project CostsThe total allowable direct and indirect costs incurred by an organization to carry out an approved project
Tri RCRTri-Institutional Responsible Conduct of Research Program: MSKCC, RU, WCMC
Tri-SCITri-Institutional Stem Cell Initiative: SKI, RU, WCMC
U.S.CUnited States Code
UBITUnrelated Business Income Tax
UCAUtility Cost Adjustment
UCCSUniversity of Colorado Colorado Springs
UCDUniversity of Colorado Denver
UCD/AMCUniversity of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
UEIUnique Entity ID
UGUniform Guidance; see CFR Title 2, Part 200 in this glossary
UIDPUniversity-Industry Demonstration Partnership
UMSUniversity Management Systems
USAUnited States Army
USAFUnited States Air Force
USAIDUnited States Agency for International Development
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
USDEUnited States Department of Energy
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
USIAUnited States Information Agency
USNUnited States Navy
VADepartment of Veterans Affairs
VPVenture Partners, formerly known as the Technology Transfer Office
Warrant (PeopleSoft)Term commonly used for a check issued by PeopleSoft to pay for an outstanding obligation
WAWFWide Area WorkFlow -- Payment system which allows web based funds withdrawal from grant accounts
WBSWork Breakdown Structure is a project management tool that decomposes the total scope of work into deliverables and work activities
WCMCWeill Cornell Medical College
WCGSMSWeill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
WECAWestern Conference on College Cost Accounting
WHOWorld Health Organization
XMLExtensible Markup Language
YCCYouth Conservation Corp