• In a Dear Colleague Letter issued last Friday, NSFs Division of Earth Sciences announced that it will eliminate future target dates for proposal submission for the following programs (moving instead to the accepted any time scheme previously
  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently launched a new quarterly publication, Proposal & Award Policy Newsletter. This newsletter is designed to provide information about upcoming changes and clarifications to policies and procedures that
  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) is using an electronic text comparison system to find duplicate proposals as part of their compliance checks before proposals are reviewed. If the system finds substantial similarities it will likely result in
  • NSF has issued a new solicitation for its CAREER program, which includes some changes to the requirements and restrictions. Some of these changes are highlighted below and a complete checklist and synopsis is available from the Office of Contracts
  • The National Science Foundation released its 2017 Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) on Tuesday, October 25, 2016. One change in this release is that the old distinction between the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) and the Award and
  • Is your FastLane PI profile complete, up to date, and error-free?DEBrief, a blog of the Division of Environmental Biology for NSF, posted A reminder to check your FastLane Profiles with step-by-step instructions.For any demographic analysis or
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