Upcoming Events


Fall 2024 Events

We are excited for our next outreachs events starting in November at three different schools. Sign-ups are available here. Feel free to sign up for as many different lessons as you would like!

LessonSchoolOutreach Day
ChemistryHorizons K-8November 4th-8th
ChemistryManhattan Middle School

Thursday, November 14th

Friday, November 15th

ChemistryCasey Middle SchoolTuesday, December 10th

 Sign up  See details for the training schedules below.

All Trainings will follow the following format:


Tuesday, October 29th



4:00-6:00 pmJSCBB A104

Wednesday, October 30th


10am-12pmJSCBB B115
Monday, November 11th1-3pmJSCBB B115
Monday, December 2nd1-3pmJSCBB B115
  • All volunteers must attend one overall volunteer training and all trainings that correspond to their event day curriculum. 
  • If you are unable to make any of these trainings, please email scope@colorado.edu ASAP for accommodations! 

Volunteer appreciation party: 

News coming soon!