Class II UIC Well Regulations Dataset
The Regulatory Actions group of the CCIS recently finished a compilation of statutes and regulations regarding Class II UIC wells relevant to managing induced seismicity from oil and gas wastewater disposal. Accompanying this dataset is a report comparing the relevant regulations of EPA and the seven surveyed states (AR, CO, KS, OH, OK, PA, TX).
The publicly accessible, interactive dataset, including citations and text of the relevant law, is posted on the LawAtlas website — see. —choose “Environmental Health” and then "Induced Seismicity from Oil and Gas Wastewater Injection" or go directly to —. The related report is also available at this link.
UNAVCO Features Snapshot of CCIS Research
On November 6, 2019, UNAVCO published a ofHazard Implications of the 2016 Mw 5.0 Cushing, OK, Earthquake from a Joint Analysis of Damage and InSAR DatabyMagali Barba-Sevilla, Bridger W. Baird, Abbie B. Liel and Kristy F. Tiampo.
Advisory Board Meeting
On August 262019, The Colorado Collaboratoryfor Induced Seismicity is hosting its final advisory board meeting. We will share posters from the event after that date.
PhD Dissertation Defense
Megan Brown, partially supported by HAZARD SEES, defended her dissertation titledMechanisms and Mitigation of Injection-Induced Earthquakes on April 1, 2019.Her advisor was Shemin Ge. Anne Sheehan and Kristy Tiampo were on her committee.
PhD Dissertation Defense
Robert Chase,fullysupported byHAZARDS SEES, defended his dissertation titledStructural Response and Risk Considering Regional Ground Motion Characteristicson December12, 2018. His advisor was Abbie Liel.
Induced Seismicity Seminar Class
Induced Seismicity seminar class was held this Spring 2019. Professors Abbie Liel, Anne Sheehan, and Kristy Tiampo co-led aninduced seismicity seminar class during the Spring 2019 semesterat CU. Ten graduate students were enrolled in the seminar, andcollaborators Liesel Ritchie, Kathryn Mutz, and additionalresearchers were frequent participants and contributors.
Greeley Earthquake on TV
A on the Greeley earthquakes, featuring some of our researchers, aired on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.
New Geophysics Class
Field Geophysics class was held in spring 2018. In the photo, USGS scientistDr. Lyndsay Ball demonstrating geophysical well logging to fieldgeophysics class at hydrologic well site, East Campus, CU Boulder.

Poster Presentation
On August 24th, 2018, Rob Chase presented a poster on Damage Accumulation for a Two-Story Wood Frame Building in Sequences of Induced Earthquakes at the Forum for Infrastructure presented by SEG at Oklahoma State University. Rob’s work is focused on examining how potential seismic loss can change in a light-frame wood structure from multiple low magnitude shaking events.

QuakeSmart Workshop
Professors Abbie Liel and Anne Sheehan both spoke at the QuakeSmart Workshop on Sept. 19, 2018 in Golden, Colorado.QuakeSmart is a FEMA National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP)initiative to help businesses in at-risk earthquake communities implement earthquake mitigation actions.
Abbie's talk was entitledDamage from a Moderate Magnitude Earthquake: What Could Happen in Colorado? Anne's talk was entitledInduced Seismicity – What You Need to Know.

Coastlines and People Scoping Session Presentation
Anne Sheehan presented at the Coastlines and People Scoping Session, hosted by theNational Science Foundation, in San Diego in October 2018.

International Induced Seismicity Workshop
Professor Abbie Liel and PhD Student Enrique Chon both presented at the International Induced Seismicity Workshop in Banff, Alberta, Canada hosted by the Canadian Induced Seismicity Collaboration on October 24th, 2018! The purpose of the collaboration was discuss learnings from induced seismicity. Prof. Liel's work is focused on risk to structures associated with induced seismicity, and Enrique's work focuses on measuring shear waves from induced events.