Research and Publications: Zachary Kilpatrick
This work has been funded by Ìý(2022-2025), (2020-2024),Ìý (2019-2022),Ìý (2017-2021),Ìý (2016-2019),ÌýÌý(2015-2019),ÌýÌý(2013-2017), andÌýÌý(2010-2012).
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
*undergraduate; †graduate student; ‡post-doc; ⧫co-last;Ìý¤co-first
- HL Cihak†and ZP Kilpatrick. Phys Rev EÌý(2024) in press.
- S Linn, SD Lawley, BR Karamched, ZP Kilpatrick, K Josic. Fast decisions reflect biases, slow decisions do not.ÌýPhys Rev E 110 (2024)Ìý024305.
- S Shaw†and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýRepresenting stimulus motion with waves in adaptive neural fields.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 52 (2024) 145-164.
- HL Cihak†and ZP Kilpatrick. Multiscale motion and deformation of bumps in stochastic neural fields with dynamic connectivity.ÌýMultiscale Model Simul 22 (2024) 178-203
- AÌýLy, AÌýBarker, EDÌýPrevost, DJ McGovern, ZPÌýKilpatrick, & DH Root.ÌýBed nucleus of the stria terminalis GABA neurons are necessary for changes in foraging behavior following an innate threat.ÌýEur. J Neurosci. 58 (2023)Ìý3630-3649.
- TL Eissa‡ and ZP Kilpatrick. Learning efficient representations of environmental priors in working memory.ÌýPLoS Comput. Biol. 19 (2023)Ìýe1011622.
- MÌýStickler, WÌýOtt, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, K Josić⧫, & BÌýKaramched⧫. Impact of correlated information on pioneering decisions. Phys. Rev. Research 5 (2023)Ìý033020.
- NWÌýBarendregt†, EG Webb*, and ZP Kilpatrick. Adaptive Bayesian inference of Markov transition rates.ÌýProc Roy Soc A 479 (2023) 20220453.
- JI Gilmer, MA Farries, ZP Kilpatrick, I Delis, and AL Person, An emergent temporal basis set robustly supports cerebellar time series learning.ÌýJ Neurophysiol. 129 (2023) 159-176.
- NWÌýBarendregt†, JI Gold⧫, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫. Normative decision rules in changing environments.ÌýeLife 11 (2022) e79824.
- HL Cihak†, TL Eissa‡, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýDistinct excitatory and inhibitory bump wandering in a stochastic neural field.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 21 (2022) 2579-2609.
- TL Eissa‡, JI Gold⧫, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýSuboptimal human inference inverts the bias-variance trade-off for decisions with asymmetric evidence.Ìý PLoS Comput. Biol. 18 (2022) e1010323.
- S Bidari†, A El Hady, JD Davidson, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic dynamics of social patch foraging.ÌýPhys. Rev. Research 4 (2022) 033128.
- K Schapiro,ÌýK Josić, ZP Kilpatrick, and JI Gold.ÌýStrategy-dependent effects of working-memory limitations on human perceptual decision-making.ÌýeLife 11 (2022) e73610.
- S Bidari†and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýHive geometry shapes the recruitment rate of honeybee colonies. J Math. Biol. (2021) 20.
- ZP Kilpatrick, JD Davidson, and A El Hady.ÌýUncertainty drives strategy deviations of patch leaving decisions in foraging.ÌýJ RÌýSoc Interface 18 (2021) 20210337.
- B Karamched, M Stickler, W Ott, B Lindner, ZP Kilpatrick, and K Josić. ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 218302.
- BÌýKaramched, SÌýStolarczyk, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, and K Josić⧫. Bayesian evidence accumulation on social networks.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 19 (2020) 1884-1919.
- ZP Kilpatrick, JD Davidson, and A El Hady. arXiv (2020)
- YÌýWang, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, andÌýK Josić⧫, A hierarchical model of perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 48 (2020) pp. 177-192.
- S Bidari†, O Peleg, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSocial inhibition maintains adaptivity and consensus of foraging honey bees in dynamic environments. R.ÌýSoc. Open Sci 6 (2019) 191681.
- NW Barendregt†,ÌýKÌýJosić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýAnalyzing dynamic decision-making models using Chapman-Kolmogorov equations. J Comput. Neurosci. 47 (2019) pp. 205-222.
- AEÌýRadillo†¤, AÌýVeliz-Cuba¤, KÌýJosić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýPerformance of normative and approximate evidence accumulation on the dynamic clicks task.ÌýNeurons, Behavior, Data analysis, and TheoryÌý(2019) 10226.
- ZP Kilpatrick, WR Holmes, TL Eissa‡, andÌýand K Josić.ÌýOptimal models of decision-making in dynamic environments. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 58 (2019) pp. 54–60.
- KP Nguyen†, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫. OptimizingÌýsequential decisions in the drift-diffusion model J Math. Psychol. 88 (2019) pp. 32-47.
- ZP Kilpatrick, J Gjorgjieva, R Rosenbaum. ÌýJ Math. Neurosci. 9 (2019) 1.
- N Krishnan* and ZP Kilpatrick. Optimizing a jump-diffusion model of a starving foragerÌýPhys. Rev. E 98 (2018) 052406.
- G Faye and ZP Kilpatrick. Threshold of front propagation in neural fields: An interface dynamics approachÌýSIAM J Appl. Math. 78 (2018) pp.Ìý2575–2596
- ZP Kilpatrick. Synaptic mechanisms of interference in working memoryÌýSci. Rep.Ìý8Ìý(2018)Ìý7879.
- N Krishnan*, DB Poll†, and ZP Kilpatrick. Synaptic efficacy shapes resource limitations in working memoryÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 44 (2018) pp. 273-295.
- ZP Kilpatrick and DB Poll†. Neural field model of memory-guided search Phys. Rev. EÌý96 (2017) 062411.
- DB Poll†and ZP Kilpatrick. Velocity integration in a multilayer neural field model of spatial working memoryÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst.Ìý16 (2017) pp.Ìý1197-1234.
- AE Radillo, A Veliz-Cuba, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýEvidence accumulation and change rate inference in dynamic environments Neural Comput. 29 (2017) pp. 1561-1610.
- AÌýJacot-Guillarmod⧫, YÌýWang⧫, CÌýPedroza, HÌýOgmen, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, andÌýKÌýJosić⧫.ÌýÌýVision Res. 133 (2017) pp. 37-46.
- DB Poll†and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýPersistent search in single and multiple confined domains: a velocity-jump process modelÌýJ Stat. Mech. (2016) 053201.
- ZT McCleney* and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEntrainment in up and down states of neural populations: non-smooth and stochastic modelsÌýJ Math. Biol. 73 (2016) pp.Ìý1131-1160.
- DB Poll†, K Nguyen*, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSensory feedback in a bump attractor model of path integrationÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 40 (2016) pp. 137-155.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýGhosts of bump attractors in stochastic neural fields: Bottlenecks and extinctionÌýDiscrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 21 (2016) p. 2211-2231.
- A Veliz-Cuba‡, ZP Kilpatrick⧫, K Josić⧫.ÌýStochastic models of evidence accumulation in changing environmentsÌýSIAM Rev. 58 (2016) pp. 264–289.
- A Veliz-Cuba‡, HZ Shouval, K Josić⧫, ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýNetworks that learn the precise timing of event sequences.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 39 (2015) pp. 235-254.
- DB Poll†and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic motion of bumps in planar neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Math. 75 (2015) pp. 1553-1577.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic synchronization of neural activity waves.ÌýPhys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 040701(R).
- PC Bressloff and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýNonlinear Langevin equations for wandering patterns in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 14 (2015) pp. 305-334.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýDelay stabilizes stochastic motion of bumps in layered neural fields.ÌýPhysica D 295 (2015) pp. 30-45.
- ZP Kilpatrick and G Faye.ÌýPulse bifurcations in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 13 (2014) pp. 830-860.
- JK Kim‡, ZP Kilpatrick, MR Bennett, K Josić.ÌýMolecular mechanisms that regulate the coupled period of the mammalian circadian clock.ÌýBiophys. J 106 (2014) pp. 2071-2081. (Ìýby S.R. Taylor)
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýCoupling layers regularizes wave propagation in stochastic neural fields.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 89 (2014) 022706.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýWilson-Cowan model.ÌýÌý(2014) Ed. D Jaeger and R Jung, Springer-Verlag.
- S Carroll*, K Josić, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEncoding certainty in bump attractors.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci., 37 (2014) pp. 29-48.
- B Ermentrout, SE Folias, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSpatiotemporal pattern formation in neural fields with linear adaptation.ÌýÌý(2014) Ed. S Coombes, P beim Graben, R Potthast, and JJ Wright, Springer Verlag.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýInterareal coupling reduces encoding variability in multi-area models of spatial working memory.ÌýFront. Comput. Neurosci., 7 (2013) 82.
- ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout, and B Doiron.ÌýOptimizing working memory with heterogeneity of recurrent cortical excitation.ÌýJ Neurosci., 33 (2013) pp. 18999-19011.
- ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýWandering bumps in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12 (2013), pp. 61-94.
- ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýShort term synaptic depression improves information transfer in perceptual multistability.ÌýFront. Comput. Neurosci., 7 (2013) 85.
- SM Jayasuriya*, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEffects of time-dependent stimuli on a competitive neural network model of perceptual rivalry.ÌýBull. Math. Biol., 6 (2012) pp. 1396-1426.
- ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýResponse of traveling waves to transient inputs in neural fields.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 85 (2012) 021910.
- ZP Kilpatrick, GB Ermentrout.ÌýHallucinogen persisting perception disorder in neuronal networks with adaptation.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci., 32 (2012) pp. 25-53.
- ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýSparse gamma rhythms arising through clustering in adapting neuronal networks.ÌýPLoS Comput. Biol., 7 (2011) e1002281.
- PC Bressloff, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýTwo-dimensional bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with synaptic depression.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Math., 71 (2011) pp. 379-408.
- ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýBinocular rivalry in a competitive neural network model with synaptic depression.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 9 (2010) pp. 1303-1347.
- ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýStability of bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with nonlinear adaptation.ÌýPhysica D, 239 (2010) pp. 1048-1060.
- ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýSpatially structured oscillations in a two-dimensional excitatory neuronal network with synaptic depression.ÌýJ. Comput. Neurosci., 28 (2010) pp. 193-209.
- ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýEffects of synaptic depression and adaptation on spatiotemporal dynamics of an excitatory neuronal network.ÌýPhysica D, 239 (2010) pp. 547-560.
- PC Bressloff, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýNonlocal Ginzburg-Landau equation for cortical pattern formation.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 78 (2008), 041916.
- ZP Kilpatrick, SE Folias, and PC Bressloff.ÌýTraveling pulses and wave propagation failure in inhomogeneous neural media.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 7 (2008), pp. 161-185.
ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSpatially structured waves and oscillations in neuronal networks with synaptic depression and adaptation.ÌýPhD Dissertation. University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT, 2010.