Research and Publications: Zachary Kilpatrick

This work has been funded by Ìý(2022-2025), (2020-2024),Ìý (2019-2022),Ìý (2017-2021),Ìý (2016-2019),ÌýÌý(2015-2019),ÌýÌý(2013-2017), andÌýÌý(2010-2012).

Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý

*undergraduate; †graduate student; ‡post-doc; ⧫co-last;Ìý¤co-first

  1. HL Cihak† and ZP Kilpatrick. Phys Rev EÌý(2024) in press.
  2. S Linn, SD Lawley, BR Karamched, ZP Kilpatrick, K Josic. Fast decisions reflect biases, slow decisions do not.ÌýPhys Rev E 110 (2024)Ìý024305.
  3. S Shaw† and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýRepresenting stimulus motion with waves in adaptive neural fields.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 52 (2024) 145-164.
  4. HL Cihak† and ZP Kilpatrick. Multiscale motion and deformation of bumps in stochastic neural fields with dynamic connectivity.ÌýMultiscale Model Simul 22 (2024) 178-203
  5. AÌýLy, AÌýBarker, EDÌýPrevost, DJ McGovern, ZPÌýKilpatrick, & DH Root.ÌýBed nucleus of the stria terminalis GABA neurons are necessary for changes in foraging behavior following an innate threat.ÌýEur. J Neurosci. 58 (2023)Ìý3630-3649.
  6. TL Eissa‡ and ZP Kilpatrick. Learning efficient representations of environmental priors in working memory.ÌýPLoS Comput. Biol. 19 (2023)Ìýe1011622.
  7. MÌýStickler, WÌýOtt, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, K Josić⧫, & BÌýKaramched⧫. Impact of correlated information on pioneering decisions. Phys. Rev. Research 5 (2023)Ìý033020.
  8. NWÌýBarendregt†, EG Webb*, and ZP Kilpatrick. Adaptive Bayesian inference of Markov transition rates.ÌýProc Roy Soc A 479 (2023) 20220453.
  9. JI Gilmer, MA Farries, ZP Kilpatrick, I Delis, and AL Person, An emergent temporal basis set robustly supports cerebellar time series learning.ÌýJ Neurophysiol. 129 (2023) 159-176.
  10. NWÌýBarendregt†, JI Gold⧫, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫. Normative decision rules in changing environments.ÌýeLife 11 (2022) e79824.
  11. HL Cihak†, TL Eissa‡, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýDistinct excitatory and inhibitory bump wandering in a stochastic neural field.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 21 (2022) 2579-2609.
  12. TL Eissa‡, JI Gold⧫, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýSuboptimal human inference inverts the bias-variance trade-off for decisions with asymmetric evidence.Ìý PLoS Comput. Biol. 18 (2022) e1010323.
  13. S Bidari†, A El Hady, JD Davidson, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic dynamics of social patch foraging.ÌýPhys. Rev. Research 4 (2022) 033128.
  14. K Schapiro,ÌýK Josić, ZP Kilpatrick, and JI Gold.ÌýStrategy-dependent effects of working-memory limitations on human perceptual decision-making.ÌýeLife 11 (2022) e73610.
  15. S Bidari† and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýHive geometry shapes the recruitment rate of honeybee colonies. J Math. Biol. (2021) 20.
  16. ZP Kilpatrick, JD Davidson, and A El Hady.ÌýUncertainty drives strategy deviations of patch leaving decisions in foraging.ÌýJ RÌýSoc Interface 18 (2021) 20210337.
  17. B Karamched, M Stickler, W Ott, B Lindner, ZP Kilpatrick, and K Josić. ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 218302.
  18. BÌýKaramched, SÌýStolarczyk, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, and K Josić⧫. Bayesian evidence accumulation on social networks.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 19 (2020) 1884-1919.
  19. ZP Kilpatrick, JD Davidson, and A El Hady. arXiv (2020)
  20. YÌýWang, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, andÌýK Josić⧫, A hierarchical model of perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 48 (2020) pp. 177-192.
  21. S Bidari†, O Peleg, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSocial inhibition maintains adaptivity and consensus of foraging honey bees in dynamic environments. R.ÌýSoc. Open Sci 6 (2019) 191681.
  22. NW Barendregt†,ÌýKÌýJosić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýAnalyzing dynamic decision-making models using Chapman-Kolmogorov equations. J Comput. Neurosci. 47 (2019) pp. 205-222.
  23. AEÌýRadillo†¤, AÌýVeliz-Cuba¤, KÌýJosić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýPerformance of normative and approximate evidence accumulation on the dynamic clicks task.ÌýNeurons, Behavior, Data analysis, and TheoryÌý(2019) 10226.
  24. ZP Kilpatrick, WR Holmes, TL Eissa‡, andÌýand K Josić.ÌýOptimal models of decision-making in dynamic environments. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 58 (2019) pp. 54–60.
  25. KP Nguyen†, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫. OptimizingÌýsequential decisions in the drift-diffusion model J Math. Psychol. 88 (2019) pp. 32-47.
  26. ZP Kilpatrick, J Gjorgjieva, R Rosenbaum. ÌýJ Math. Neurosci. 9 (2019) 1.
  27. N Krishnan* and ZP Kilpatrick. Optimizing a jump-diffusion model of a starving foragerÌýPhys. Rev. E 98 (2018) 052406.
  28. G Faye and ZP Kilpatrick. Threshold of front propagation in neural fields: An interface dynamics approachÌýSIAM J Appl. Math. 78 (2018) pp.Ìý2575–2596
  29. ZP Kilpatrick. Synaptic mechanisms of interference in working memoryÌýSci. Rep.Ìý8Ìý(2018)Ìý7879.
  30. N Krishnan*, DB Poll†, and ZP Kilpatrick. Synaptic efficacy shapes resource limitations in working memoryÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 44 (2018) pp. 273-295.
  31. ZP Kilpatrick and DB Poll†. Neural field model of memory-guided search Phys. Rev. EÌý96 (2017) 062411.
  32. DB Poll† and ZP Kilpatrick. Velocity integration in a multilayer neural field model of spatial working memoryÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst.Ìý16 (2017) pp.Ìý1197-1234.
  33. AE Radillo, A Veliz-Cuba, K Josić⧫, and ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýEvidence accumulation and change rate inference in dynamic environments Neural Comput. 29 (2017) pp. 1561-1610.
  34. AÌýJacot-Guillarmod⧫, YÌýWang⧫, CÌýPedroza, HÌýOgmen, ZPÌýKilpatrick⧫, andÌýKÌýJosić⧫.ÌýÌýVision Res. 133 (2017) pp. 37-46.
  35. DB Poll† and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýPersistent search in single and multiple confined domains: a velocity-jump process modelÌýJ Stat. Mech. (2016) 053201.
  36. ZT McCleney* and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEntrainment in up and down states of neural populations: non-smooth and stochastic modelsÌýJ Math. Biol. 73 (2016) pp.Ìý1131-1160.
  37. DB Poll†, K Nguyen*, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSensory feedback in a bump attractor model of path integrationÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 40 (2016) pp. 137-155.
  38. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýGhosts of bump attractors in stochastic neural fields: Bottlenecks and extinctionÌýDiscrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 21 (2016) p. 2211-2231.
  39. A Veliz-Cuba‡, ZP Kilpatrick⧫, K Josić⧫.ÌýStochastic models of evidence accumulation in changing environmentsÌýSIAM Rev. 58 (2016) pp. 264–289.
  40. A Veliz-Cuba‡, HZ Shouval, K Josić⧫, ZP Kilpatrick⧫.ÌýNetworks that learn the precise timing of event sequences.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci. 39 (2015) pp. 235-254.
  41. DB Poll† and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic motion of bumps in planar neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Math. 75 (2015) pp. 1553-1577.
  42. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýStochastic synchronization of neural activity waves.ÌýPhys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 040701(R).
  43. PC Bressloff and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýNonlinear Langevin equations for wandering patterns in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 14 (2015) pp. 305-334.
  44. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýDelay stabilizes stochastic motion of bumps in layered neural fields.ÌýPhysica D 295 (2015) pp. 30-45.
  45. ZP Kilpatrick and G Faye.ÌýPulse bifurcations in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 13 (2014) pp. 830-860.
  46. JK Kim‡, ZP Kilpatrick, MR Bennett, K Josić.ÌýMolecular mechanisms that regulate the coupled period of the mammalian circadian clock.ÌýBiophys. J 106 (2014) pp. 2071-2081. (Ìýby S.R. Taylor)
  47. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýCoupling layers regularizes wave propagation in stochastic neural fields.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 89 (2014) 022706.
  48. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýWilson-Cowan model.ÌýÌý(2014) Ed. D Jaeger and R Jung, Springer-Verlag.
  49. S Carroll*, K Josić, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEncoding certainty in bump attractors.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci., 37 (2014) pp. 29-48.
  50. B Ermentrout, SE Folias, and ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSpatiotemporal pattern formation in neural fields with linear adaptation.ÌýÌý(2014) Ed. S Coombes, P beim Graben, R Potthast, and JJ Wright, Springer Verlag.
  51. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýInterareal coupling reduces encoding variability in multi-area models of spatial working memory.ÌýFront. Comput. Neurosci., 7 (2013) 82.
  52. ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout, and B Doiron.ÌýOptimizing working memory with heterogeneity of recurrent cortical excitation.ÌýJ Neurosci., 33 (2013) pp. 18999-19011.
  53. ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýWandering bumps in stochastic neural fields.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12 (2013), pp. 61-94.
  54. ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýShort term synaptic depression improves information transfer in perceptual multistability.ÌýFront. Comput. Neurosci., 7 (2013) 85.
  55. SM Jayasuriya*, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýEffects of time-dependent stimuli on a competitive neural network model of perceptual rivalry.ÌýBull. Math. Biol., 6 (2012) pp. 1396-1426.
  56. ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýResponse of traveling waves to transient inputs in neural fields.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 85 (2012) 021910.
  57. ZP Kilpatrick, GB Ermentrout.ÌýHallucinogen persisting perception disorder in neuronal networks with adaptation.ÌýJ Comput. Neurosci., 32 (2012) pp. 25-53.
  58. ZP Kilpatrick, B Ermentrout.ÌýSparse gamma rhythms arising through clustering in adapting neuronal networks.ÌýPLoS Comput. Biol., 7 (2011) e1002281.
  59. PC Bressloff, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýTwo-dimensional bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with synaptic depression.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Math., 71 (2011) pp. 379-408.
  60. ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýBinocular rivalry in a competitive neural network model with synaptic depression.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 9 (2010) pp. 1303-1347.
  61. ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýStability of bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with nonlinear adaptation.ÌýPhysica D, 239 (2010) pp. 1048-1060.
  62. ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýSpatially structured oscillations in a two-dimensional excitatory neuronal network with synaptic depression.ÌýJ. Comput. Neurosci., 28 (2010) pp. 193-209.
  63. ZP Kilpatrick, PC Bressloff.ÌýEffects of synaptic depression and adaptation on spatiotemporal dynamics of an excitatory neuronal network.ÌýPhysica D, 239 (2010) pp. 547-560.
  64. PC Bressloff, ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýNonlocal Ginzburg-Landau equation for cortical pattern formation.ÌýPhys. Rev. E, 78 (2008), 041916.
  65. ZP Kilpatrick, SE Folias, and PC Bressloff.ÌýTraveling pulses and wave propagation failure in inhomogeneous neural media.ÌýSIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 7 (2008), pp. 161-185.

ZP Kilpatrick.ÌýSpatially structured waves and oscillations in neuronal networks with synaptic depression and adaptation.ÌýPhD Dissertation. University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT, 2010.